“I have some advice for American Airlines—and, really, any airline—regarding what people (though mostly women; men almost never get called out for clothing unless it’s, say, a full-on SS uniform) wear: shut up”
“I have some advice for American Airlines—and, really, any airline—regarding what people (though mostly women; men almost never get called out for clothing unless it’s, say, a full-on SS uniform) wear: shut up”
Cxl'd my subscription quite a while ago, but still follow the MP customer support Twitter profile because it's truly WTF level huh?
Yield doesn’t mean “don’t stop.” It means yield to traffic. If there is no traffic, no need to stop. I have heard that Montana did this years ago & it worked.
Not a supporter of Beto of Buttigeig, but I feel like Mayor Pete is even more of a stuffed shirt than Beto. Seems to put me in the minority, but he really rubs me the wrong way.
Both are aggressively mediocre & inexperienced. I don’t think either is a good candidate. I will give Beto some charisma points though. And, even if he doesn’t have a solid policy plan like Warren (who should be kicking Bernie’s ass, don’t get me started), I’ve seen some videos where he does seem to be able to go…
Filed to #wypipo. Right above Cornhole.
Oh man, that's my dream dog! I looooove Blue Heelers. But I am smart enough to know I am not active enough for most shepherding breeds. Don't tell my li'l Fox Terrier know, but blue merle dogs just make me melt.
“Cool, this place/party has cornhole.” #thingswypiposay
“Cool, this place/party has cornhole.” #thingswypiposay
There are certain candidates I might support in the primaries over others. But I’ll vote for just about any Dem if it comes down to it. But Klobuchar... I think I’d rather vote for an independent over her because of the stories around her treatment of staff. She's a Joffrey even more than any GOP as far as I'm…
“Fawning" may be the wrong word. But I have definitely heard "what I loooove about this case..." said in high school mean girl drawl. Often followed by a completely unnecessary quip or bon mot that just feels icky. I just imagine if I were a friend or family member of the killer's victim, I'd either rage or cry &…
My Favorite Murder exhibits all the worst parts of the “annoying white guy duo talking about things but never really doing much research or adding anything to the subject because our inflated egos think us just talking about it in itself is interesting” genre of podcasts. I don’t understand why it’s supposedly better…
One of the saddest / greatest things I head in a recipe book was from a Laotian chef talking about how he managed to adapt for breasts a family recipe that generally used thighs. He said he got it good & the white people loved it, but it never really spoke to him. Once he got name recognition, he started using thighs…
The extra time is unplanned. You could be delayed by a slow moving freight train that has priority since passenger & freight trains use the same rails.
I know a guy who used to master metal, avant-garde, punk, etc. recordings for bands. He kept JLP as a “reference” CD. If a band was spending a lot of time getting into the weeds on one sound on a song or something, he’d play part of JLP & to reset their ears & say something like: “remember that a record that was mixed…
I’ve had a few friends do the Coast Starlight trip, Seattle, WA to down the California coast to Los Angeles. They advertise it as a luxurious experience. But in reality, the trip could easily end up being delayed by freight traffic. Leaving you to either: undertake parts of the route by bus (nowhere near the “romance”…
PETA is so full of good intentions, misplaced anger, & misguided actions. Don’t some models of Levis already have a faux leather patch? I’d bet of Levis stopped using leather, any affect on the leather market would be extremely negligible.
Same. It was crazier before that even. VHS went from “very clearly dying” to “giving up it’s last breath” pretty quickly. I think you could still sell some select Disney titles on VHS for $75 up until 2000 or so. Especially if those brittle plastic boxes they came in were in good shape.
I can't possibly be the only one to star you, can I?
“several times a day she drinks a pulverized concoction of cucumber, parsley, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, and celery.”
I’m Asian & let my dog kiss me on the mouth. Does that make me a banana?