
I feel like someone should sit Ridley down, gently take his scripts away, say “well down thou good and faithful servant” and then lead him gently to a retirement home where all the residents believe they’re either actors, film crew or studio execs, then tell him he’s finally been given the unlimited funding and time

Alien is a masterpiece and Ridley Scott will forever have my respect for that alone.

Apprantly that was originally just the name he starred under on the tattoine porn movie scene..

Yeah, but most Americans don’t have to worry, since we mostly eat “sushi” stuffed with cooked “imitation crab” meat, deep fried fish, bursting at the seams with cream cheese, drowning in sugary sauces, loaded with cheese, baked, then breaded, deep fried, and slathered in mayonnaise.

Hmmm, I just reinstalled the app so that I could delete my account and the option is not there. Great...

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

...pass traveler...

They are renovating a landmark building in downtown Oakland to be their new headquarters and I go back and forth between wanting them to make it succeed For Oakland’s Sake and wanting the Black Bloc to just smashy everything they own.

Still not sure that was the work of Stormtroopers.


A) that’s not the only use for twitter
B) do you really think obama writes his own tweets?
C) news conferences are super expensive, tweets are nearly free.

its 2016 why do people still need to explained how twitter works? i dont even use my twitter account and i know that twitter isnt a platform for petty updates, but

If they had it in USB-C, I’d have two ordered already.

They made a sequel? For real?

I agree. I’m a huge fan of Firefly, but... the fans need to let that sh*t go. It’s been YEARS. It’s not coming back. It’s like how my ex’s dad was so sure his baldness would reverse itself. Kept that ponytail and everything. Poor guy.

As others have pointed out, Skywalker is so absurdly common a surname, there are even large landholdings in central Marin County with that name.

Anyone who compares them to The Talking Heads needs to have their juice box taken away and be sent to their room for a nap.

If this video isn’t the entirety of Mad Max Fury Road and nothing else, I am going to be pissed.

I think we should get Geraldo Rivera to televise, live, the opening. (Only the olds here will get this reference.)

Hey, at least this Firefly may last more than one season.

They came from an hour away with a thirst for loafage,

I can see how this would be a big hit with the “I love drinking horse jizz but don’t like actually blowing horses” crowd.