Suh-weet ride. Definitely worth it. I had a CB500 for a while. Eventually sold it ‘cuz it needed a lot of work & I just didn’t have the time or money to do it justice.
Suh-weet ride. Definitely worth it. I had a CB500 for a while. Eventually sold it ‘cuz it needed a lot of work & I just didn’t have the time or money to do it justice.
Fine, you don’t care about “cool.” You just want a reliable, gas efficient ride (I was gonna throw easy to maintain in there, but honestly working on these is kinda a PITA). But that price is still ridiculous.
Fair point. I have had 2 bikes at the same time. I’m still pretty sure I wouldn’t want a random person sharing my bike.
I’ve seen an ad for these guys pop up in my Facebook feed occasionally. I can tell you just from the comments & reactions this train is bound for... whatever the opposite of glory is. I have a hard enough time loaning a bike to a friend. I’m definitely not loaning it out to a stranger.
Was April March in a band with this guy? The Shitbirds? I thought there was some connection, but it’s escaping me. If so, has there been any statement from her yet?
Also, if you pay for secondary market tickets with either a wire transfer or Amazon gift cards, you are an idiot that deserves to be ripped off.
I’m sure I’m likely to get shit for this. I understand that everyone is some mother’s son or daughter. And there are so many things we don’t understand that shape people’s lives. Maybe someone’s a psycho because their childhood was terrible. Or maybe they had all that money could buy, but their dad was Donald Trump.…
A very specific category for sure, but even though it’s only March, I’d wager that the album wins the “best album with the worst cover art” award for the year. Yes, I know it’s Gar, I still think it’s a terrible album cover.
I remember driveaways. I always wanted to be the driver for one. Fly out somewhere then drive back. Seemed like a great way to do a one way road trip on a budget. They disappeared by the time I was old enough to be considered. Sound like it wouldn’t have been too hard to forge my way into an agreement.
I voted crack pipe. But I keep seeing dude’s smile in that top pic & now I’m wondering...
I used to work with an older white lesbian basketball fan with an African American girlfriend who still claimed that Kobe was being railroaded. She said it was a cash grab by the accuser & that she was an opportunist. I’m not much of a basketball fan, so I didn’t really know a lot of details, but my co-worker’s…
Cue climate change denier in 3... 2... 1...
Pretty much have to agree with the consensus that in all respects, this SHOULD be a terrible movie. But it’s just so dumb & fun. I’m a huge Michael Caine fan & a jalop. So, those 2 things alone give me at least something to latch on to in the movie. However, even my wife who is decidedly not a gearhead & not really a…
Tell that to a Subaru owner with a 2.5L. Change spark plugs? Oh lord, now I cry.
Memories. I remember this about my 4Runner (also the slowly leaking head gasket on the SR5 V6, but that’s another story). I guess we just got used to SUVs getting further & further away from their truck roots. Now with their foot swipe activated lift gates. I definitely preferred the truck like tailgate. Did…
True. But I found my running 900 Turbo for $1500 & it served me well for around 5 years with only a clutch job & regular fluid changes. Probably could’ve gotten at least a couple more years out of it but it wasn’t passing smog & I think it just needed a new turbo controller.
Saab 900 hatchback: full drum set, 4x10" bass cab, bass head, 2x12" guitar combo, bass & guitar in hard cases. The rear seat folds down completely flat & level. Most are probably manual & many are turbo (fun!). Will be cheap as hell ‘cuz they’re old. Probably won’t make it to 200k miles though.
“frankly, I had assumed all the Hayabusa owners died sometime in the mid-2000s.”
No, no, no. Every Subaru owner knows that is the emergency battery drain switch! Park your car, flip the switch, leave. Then when you return, your battery is conveniently dead!