
I went to college before cell phones (well, before they were ubiquitous, it was still mostly rich people with phones in their cars). It always took a few days for the phone company to get all the new phone numbers & lines activated in the dorms. My roommate & I did whatever we needed to do to get our request for a

“rather than having the pay the airline’s fees or transport their animals in the animal hold of the plane.”

Part of me thought it was cheesy. But another, less cynical part of me, teared up watching Leila cheat death, knowing that Fisher did not. Thinking about it now, I still get a little touched.

Unfortunately, you probably won’t be seeing this song. Apparently, it’s out of Blake’s vocal range nowadays. This song & Kiss the Bottle were what I was hoping for. The good news is KtB is on their set list. And, they even pulled out Jalopnik appropriate deep cut Seafoam Green. Enjoy the show, it’s a pretty great

Uh, wtf? Get this garbage outta here!

Tilapia is garbage fish for people who want to eat fish for some reason but don’t want to eat something that tastes like fish. Plus, there are also different environmental concerns re: Tilapia. I’m not discounting the problems surrounding the Chilean Sea Bass, but use Tilapia isn’t an answer.

This guy. I feel like he really deserves a Dakar win. One day, I hope he gets it. I think a couple years ago, he crashed early in a stage, then finished it with a completely mangled handlebar. Mangled to the point that most street riders probably wouldn’t be able to get home on smooth tarmac. And he did it off road.

And today was the day I heard “D-beat” referred to out of exclusively punk circles.

The one where Green Day opened? I was at that show & don’t remember any nazis. Then again, I was a wee-tot & so was only able to go to the all ages part of the show, but I think if there was skinhead violence & a big fight, I’d’ve remembered it.

Most of the older punks I knew (who were townies whereas I was a UCSC

I like it. It might look dated in a few years. But it looks interesting now. And, tbh, most cars look dated within a decade. It might not win any classic longevity of design awards. But again, very very very few cars do. Apples to oranges but still, compare this to a Countach. I’m sorry, I grew up as a teenage boy in

What is it about the Dakar that hates Americans?

Points also need to be deducted for that pic with the portapotties in the background.

I just want to speak up for the many many many silent folks who really did get pretty frackin’ sick of lightning bolt scar face boy & his endless adolescence.

This really weirded me out when I first started visiting friends in Oregon in the ‘90s. The social media backlash is... odd. No one taught me how to fill ‘er up. I can understand it being nice to have someone do it for you. But the people complaining about the danger of it all though. That’s like wearing a t-shirt

Sadly, I feel like that Audi commercial isn’t that far removed from what a wedding in some parts of “the old country” might actually be like.

Chainsmokers paired with Florida Georgia Line? I guess Satan doesn’t believe in exclusivity contracts.

I’d watch a female Die Hard too (even a female Die Hard 2 because I’m the only person that seems to like the sequel also). But I don’t see how Long Kiss Goodnight really compares. I mean, they’re fun both over the top action movies.

I do love that Kruger is still a relevant source for whoever made that to rip off. What happens when you scan the QR code in the corner?

Disappointed that the keys in Sackhoff’s bag are to a Land Rover and not that sweet custom motorcycle that Classified Moto made for her.

Now that’s some learning I can get behind.