
Pretty cool to still use sidecars just so they can keep using them in inclement weather. But really, Urals can be set up for 2WD- win! I'm pretty sure these Harleys can't. Then again, those Urals, cool as they are, have like 10 HP (yeah, I'm exaggerating, but they really are pretty underpowered).

I went to a wedding for a couple "friends of Bill W." It was early in the day, and there was a limited (but still plentiful) amount of wine and beer available for guests, no hard stuff. I think that was lovely.

There is such a multitude of bad decisions here. That woman didn't deserve to get shot and die, no matter how good or bad a person she was. At least not for shoplifting. But of course, one thing that most people don't understand is that cops are not trained to shoot to disarm or disable. I believe the rationale is

Damn, I missed this QotD. I have a great answer: Highway 167/Pole Line Road that skirts the north side of Mono Lake on the East Side of the Sierras. It's just over 20 miles of ruler straight pavement. It pretty much connects nowhere California to nowhere Nevada. Enforcement? Yeah, right.

There is nothing fashionable about these. The R2D2 swimsuit I remember being kinda cool. These are just scenes form Star Wars printed across spandex. They do nothing to flatter the shape of the wearer or call attention to cool details of the scene/character used.

Frenchie's more embarassing. He ended up in the water.

All the previous answers are true. Unfortunately, in San Francisco (and some other places for sure), some of the hills are so steep you're screwed either way. I parked on a hill in my Subaru Impreza (not a particularly heavy car) once and curbed my wheels in the appropriate manner. I had no reason to distrust my

There's actually plenty of good music out there, you just have to look for it much harder these days. In fact, there's definitely been a resurgence of a girl group influenced sound happening with some young indie kids. It's definitely a more modern take for sure, but check out bands like the Dum Dum Girls (really good

Yes please. Also, tangentially, the girl who played Willow in the Buffy porn parody, BIG THUMBS DOWN! In fact, BIG THUMBS DOWN to the whole production.

Like LightninHopkins said, it does make you go "huh?" when it seems like every significant black character in Rick's group must be killed and then replaced by another. I don't think it's conscious, and I don't think there's any outright racism going on. Losing T-Dog was a big deal, but kinda made sense as a plot

Talk about a sleeper. Who looks twice at Audi sedans of that vintage?

I've always thought Porsches were kinda douche-y. Then again, driving an R8 on your average street/highwau is pretty ridiculous as well. But at least you'd be a modern douchebag (btw, I would jump at the chance to drive an R8).

Their gas engines last forever with minimal maintenance. This pile might be slow and boring, but it will be giving roaches rides after Armageddon. That piece of mind has gotta be worth $2k.

There are so many! I kinda like the Pillar of Autumn from Halo and the Event Horizon. But let's be honest here, the Millennium Falcon is the coolest spaceship of all time so, no contest.

Not the longest by far, but it's straight and paved. You're not likely to run into any kind of speed enforcement. And it's not horribly difficult to get to (except in the winter).

This is a tech's worst nightmare and the thing that keeps them up at night. "Wait, did I forget... No, I couldn''t have. I know I didn't." I was an apprentice for a while, and luckily I had the head tech look over everything I did, but sometimes things would nag at me after I buttoned up a job. It's one of the reasons

What is it about mattresses and ladders? People don't know how to tie them down any more? Also, not to discount the danger, but it looked like that guy had a lot of time to react. On a motorcycle, there's plenty of instances where things come at you a lot faster than that mattress did in that video (not counting the

The sentence seems kinda harsh only because he hasn't killed anyone. Although, obviously this man hasn't learned and it's only a matter of time before he does kill someone or himself. It does make me ask: "why this guy?" Especially when there already are repeat offenders who HAVE killed people still on the road with

Funny, Lagondas came up in a recent conversation I was having. I appreciate the collectible nature of that car, but it's kind of a design nadir as far as Aston Martin goes..

Your panties, unwad them. Admit your error begone!