
So this is the Dr. Who/Jack Frost crossover? Is Michael Keaton coming back for this?

I've noticed a disturbing trend in cars I've rented recently (I haven't owned a car less than 10 years old in... maybe I never have!). Terrible sightlines mixed with more & more smartphone integration. I think it's important to keep people safe, but I think certain car regulations have got it all wrong. Great, my car

Thanks for reminding me it's that time of year again. There's a wilderness area in the Berkeley Hills that gets a big tarantula migration, I've never seen it. But I hear if you go at the right time, you can't miss it.

Not really. The coverage isn't very expansive, it shuts down just after midnight, you can't transfer to area bus lines. Major loss points there. Sure, it's pretty fast, but trains are frequently late and half of them are disgusting. Yes, I live in the bay area and use it. So this info is first hand. BART leaves much

Small cc bikes on a go kart track + full leathers.

To echo some other comments, that thing looks like it'd be a beast to try to get to turn! I also like the obvious Trail Tech Vapor gauges, pretty much the best bang for your buck easy to fit to any custom project after market gauges you can get. They made them for firt bike but the homemade custom bike crowd loves

Is that top dish served on top of lembas bread?

Yes. It's my dream car. Sure, it'd be somewhat pointless, but I'm sure there are some backroads where you could get yourself into some trouble with it. I don't care if a new STI can beat it. It's a FUCKING QUATTRO!

Just 'cuz it did well at the box office doesn't mean it didn't fail miserably at being a good movie.

I've always said it was Willow's show, Buffy was just the blonde decoy.

um, Ferrari?

OK, point taken. Comment still stands though.

My bad. I just watched it in the small window. My point still stands. Whatevs.

My friend's a professor in SF. He mostly rides a bicycle. But he's got a Miata when he needs to gas it.

One of the main reasons (aside from price), that I hate baggers and other such big bikes. Just like that HD rider he passed, when your bike's the size of a car (and weighs as much as one too), you can't pull this shit. Gimme a skinny bike with a snappy engine over a barcalounger on wheels any day.

Divine retribution.

True. But whether BMW lives up to it or not, I always expect them to be exciting.

I really like BMWs. I don't know why. There's as much bad about them as there is good. But that's cars. Still, there's something that a BMW does to me that a Mercedes just doesn't.

Didn't you just do this QOTD like a year ago?

Vespas (old 2 stroke manuals) are pretty impractical. But loads of fun!