
Usually I have to pay way more and by the hour to get treated like that.

2 things one should not have shame about: playing D&D, and sex work. There's nothing wrong with this. How the "guys" comport themselves at the game is the important thing. As long as they're not asshole misogynist douchebags, this could totally be a win-win situation!

Dude, it's just as bad on the #TwoWheelsBad front. Supermoto bikes are probably the best bikes for the city, but we get precious few over here. And, even if you get one, the cost of service on some of the more niche brands can make the whole point of a nice SM machine moot. Unfortunately, most of the manufacturers

First of all, I engage my CAPS LOCK BUTTON.

OMG, I invented this years ago! j/k. But really, when a few of my wife's friends from work bought Prii, I suggested that a good aftermarket accessory would be a fake engine noise generator. Keep the initial installation costs under $100 and have different engine sounds that you could buy/download/program/etc. Getting

"(you realize we had minority speakers at the convention, right? And we loved them), [Really? Why don't you just say "I have a black friend, I'm not racist!], (this one just has no backing, several of the executives at my company are equally paid women) [See previous comment, your statement here is completely

Something about the unblinking look in his eye is hella creepy.

I never thought of it that way, but I can understand how people not thinking actively might equate "better for you" with "more nutritious." Of course, there's also plenty of stuff labeled "organic" that really isn't that much different from conventionally grown stuff. And some stuff that's grown in a sustainable and

#2 for sure. Before me & the wife got rid of her pile of a Volvo 240 (I love 240s, I just didn't love THAT 240), I would do as much maintenance on it myself as I could because I couldn't bear the thought of her putting money into it. She took this to mean that I actually enjoyed working on it. I love my wife. I love

Good lord! LV to Reno on dirt roads in one day! Probably on either a 450cc or 650cc bike with a seat like a 2"x4". These guys are freakin' tough guys for sure! Bravo man, bravo!

UGH! Being a leftie, I still have plenty of complaints about the mainstream Democratic party and what a buncha infighting, out of touch, foot in mouth dipshits they can be too. But I'll still say I'm a Democrat sometimes.

True to a degree. I still work in retail, and am pretty amazed at some of my co-workers's inability to be empathetic. But this manual seems pretty... I dunno, woo-woo, self-helpy? Truth is, I think a combination of actually teaching people ethics when they're younger, plus being allowed to fail and learn in the

I didn't see the guy in that video do anything that I couldn't do on a regular bike. If you can't ride through the city like he did, it would behoove you to just learn how to ride a bike rather than try to re-invent the bicycle. We have GOT to stop making technology that allows people to be stupider and lazier and

First time I drove a Prius, I thought the "Power" button was weird and I didn't like it. Now I know that there's a good reason why. It seems like, with all these unintended acceleration claims (whether they're legit or not), car manufacturers should be required to have some kind of kill switch that is accessible to

I'm pretty sure I got hives once from a quarter that was accidentally dropped into my iced coffee. Please don't put cold coins on your vulva and expect me to lick it.

I remember when I found out that, technically, ANY right turn on red is illegal in NYC. Is that still true? Was that true when I heard it, or just some sort of urban legend? No right turns on red? Aside from the fact that there are so many peds, it's almost impossible to do anyway, NYC must not have much faith in

I rented an F-250 crew cab, or whatever they call it, once. Or, rather my band mate rented it 'cuz we needed to move gear. The interior was bigger than my Subaru and as plush as my parents' Acura. This is not your father's pickup truck.

Great way to kill someone.

Something about a Quattro.

Uhm, I agree. Maybe I'm just poor, but $1-2K/year in maintenance is not my idea of reasonable.