
A couple years too late. The bump key method to opening locks was really popular with thieves in the area I live for a while. By now, most homeowners and landlords have replaced front doors locks with "bump proof" locks. Every hardware store and lock shop advertises them too.

Some kind of marine life that my people (Koreans) are fond of eating as sushi. I've seen videos and there's even a sushi place near my house that had them for a hot second. They're even more horrifying in person. And in the videos I've seen of people eating them, they're usually still moving when you eat them. GROSS

Not the same, but most credit unions are part of a national network that allows you to do most of your banking at most other credit unions.

The salient point to take away from this is that ANYONE who claims to love Kerouac past "a certain age" (any age that ends in -teen), is worth being "judgy" about. I put Bukowski in that category as well.

Yeah, looks like a collapsed chewed in dog toy. At first glance though, I was pretty sure we were probably looking at some kind of plant from the bottom after having been torn up out of the ground.

Funny, I just walked past a pretty clean one on the way to work 5 minutes ago.

I just recently got my first moving violation in a long ass time. I was on my way to a wedding on a two lane rural road that switched frequently between 35, 45, and 50 mph posted speed limits. I didn't know it at the time, but the groom's dad was retired CHP. I didn't drop his name (because I didn't know), but someone

I bought my first motorcycle from a lady that used to live down a driveway off the parking lot to the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz. It's kind of a rip-off to get in, but no car in the bay area is complete without a Mystery Spot bumper sticker (you don't have to pay to get into the gift shop).

Now playing

not to be confused with the penis fish. a Korean delicacy.

um, motorcycle?

These are all great rules. But finding a good/trustworthy mechanic can still be a pain in the ass. I have a few friends that have "great mechanics," but they don't really know shit about cars and none of them have the same kind of car I have. I'm not really gonna trust the word of someone who can't even change their

"I wish I had scissor doors." <-win.

IIRC, when they figured this out, didn't they find out that the bike and insurance were under his mother's name?

I actually don't know the specifics of DUI laws in California. I only have a couple friends who have had 1 DUI and are now totally paranoid when it comes to drinking and driving (maybe it's 'cuz how they were caught and how not drunk they were when they were caught). It seems like penalties for the FIRST DUI might be

Everyone's gonna hate me for this, but I have to know. I think Dick is an INCREDIBLE conceptualist. I don't think he's a very good writer. I'm not looking for F. Scott Fitzgerald or James Joyce here. But I find Dick's writing to be workmanlike at best. I can't stand his dialogue. But I DO understand that the concepts

Combine this with a Sybian, buy a video camera, pay some uninhibited wimminz, and...

Sorta reminds me of the guy that filmed himself (in his car, get off the phone, dammit!) asking his wife how far a car goes in an hour when it's travelling 80 miles per hour.

I read an article that claimed walking too fast across the coals could also lead to burning the feet. ??? I dunno. It looks cool, I could be convinced to do a "coal walk," but certainly not at a motivational speaker's event with 6000 other people.

Yo Gordon, I’m really happy for you…I’ma let you finish. But..."

Doing a valve adjustment on my motorcycle, there are 5 bolts that hold down the camshaft bearing (2 on each end, 1 in the middle). After adjusting the valves, I was putting everything back together. I forget if the torque specs were metric and the torque wrench I was using only had standard, or vice versa. But I did a