
Agreed. I liked aspects of season 2, but it was ultimately disappointing (would've been fine if it was just edited down to half a season). Looks like they may be getting back to some their bread & butter though. Crossing fingers!

Hey folks, even the (mostly) boys over at Jalopnik refer to them as "booth professionals." Shouldn't io9 consider using that term as well?

don't we already have that show?

Hardly. Pliers are the tool of the devil! I lost my Leatherman a while ago and haven't replaced it because I swear I lost it in the house. I might have to look into this.

"So what should the CW to make this work better as a story, not to mention as a piece of television?"

Looks like advanced optics is winning. What percentage of the human population wears glasses/contacts, or some other sort of corrective lenses? Seems like it's almost a majority at this point. I bet most of the people (like myself) voting for advanced optics would be happy to just have normal vision back.

Well, at least if you liked AVP2, you know that Xenomorph/Yautja porn, I mean violence, needs to be R-rated. None of that piddly PG-13 sh*t!

Is that the old Amtrak station in the top pic? Some friends of mine that lived in/ran a co-op house in Detroit took me to that station once. It's incredibly easy to get inside (well, 15 years ago it was), and still pretty majestic. It's such a beautiful building.

He's got a good point. I've heard a few episode spoilers for various shows at various points. For something like GOT, Mad Men, Doctor Who, they have meant nothing. The shows were great in their own right even if I knew what happened.

Interesting concept, and maybe a good way to bench test certain ideas for later brews without committing to a full batch. Ultimately though, i think brewing or buying a better beer from the beginning is more rewarding. And will taste better.

OK, I'm pretty much done with this thread. But I gotta ask... Are you serious? Free BBQ is a bribe? 1) It wasn't dinner at the French Laundry, 2) it was a fundraiser. So, they paid to get in, and it was a catered event. Even though IANAL, I'm pretty sure no court in the country would call that a "bribe." And if that

Is it wrong that all i can think of is:

Well, I gleaned from the article that these people lived/worked in the United States of 'Murrica. Which, last I checked, was a democracy (although, apparently, less and less so as time goes on). As citizens of the county, the sherriff's employees have the right to support whoever the fuck they want in the next

Not personally a fan of ELP, but if Tarkus doesn't make it into the top 5, this list is totally bunk.

While I agree fundamentally that the music business is an old, broken model that desperately needs to be changed, I'm sick of tech guys saying over and over that music needs to be free. Don't get me wrong. As a musician, me and most of my musician friends feel it's more important for our work to get out there to

I must be feeling pretty cynical today.