
I thought he was referring to the entire bar, not just the rum… which was awesome, because wasn't Polynesian fever a late-50's thing? Even his one attempt at a flourish of personality is ten years out of date.

nah, by now I think Don's seen how spotty manipulation can be in terms of getting what he wants. I took the fist pump as just "hell yeah, i get to do the pitch! finally, upward motion…"

Is it actually "really weird" when we all know it's about the network milking a show for every dime it can earn them? It's not like it's out of left field or they announced it last week — it's a business decision that's worked out very well for AMC several times so far, so now they're doing it whenever they can.

His movements as Denise were really more on the order of slinking than of prancing.

Great news, but that cover art is fucking *horrible*. If this is the definitive release, why mess with the iconic prom portrait? It's the most singularly representational image of the entire series. I don't need it to be made 'disturbing' for it to haunt me.

I appreciate all that, I love Peggy, and I think the series has outstanding writing and acting from top to bottom, which is exactly why I say: sorry guys, have you been watching Peggy for past 6 seasons? She is inappropriately, disappointingly, and unflatteringly self-centered ALL THE TIME. Everything that happens,

Ahh, the flared-pants trend of the early 2000's. I remember it fondly. This album and the Walkmen's "Bows & Arrows" were pretty much my soundtrack for 2004 — my first year as a single, clueless wastoid in New York. Great memories.

I took Peggy's upset-ness to be more: "So *this* is the kind of guy who falls for me." I love Peggy, but it's never not about her.

"The Valve"

And thus, I fell in love with food futurologist Dr. Morgaine Gaye.

Jesus christ, the shower curtain.

That would be awesome, but seeing as how this is JJ Abrams and Disney, I'm bracing myself for more of a hybrid between "to fear death is to prevent oneself from truly living" and "white man learns the ways of the natives in order to save them from other white men" type of themes.

seriously. last month i watched the video for Estranged for the first time in 20 years. self-parody is a charitable assessment of what they were up to by then.

Sorry if someone else has already pointed this out, but what's up with Oscar Isaac not being included in the "actors of color" roster? He is of Cuban/Guatemalan parentage.

It would be a pretty classy move if they killed the character of Wolverine in the movies, rather than casting some dude as the new version. Jackman's performance was the gravitas the first and second X-Men movies needed to be taken seriously by the non-nerds who made them a hit. It'd be cool to see the studio give

Yes, that would be preferable, because then the movie would be good and not bad.

I'll do it, provided you don't mind that it stars me and not Patrick Stewart.

Holy shit, Patrick Stewart *and* Jonathan Ames, together at last? TNG and "Wake Up, Sir" are two of my favorite things. Thanks, day! ::high-fives self::

And for the record, I know plenty of white people who feel as though everything is meant to be taken offensively… but that's what I get for living where I live.

It is impossible that Disney would make a movie on this scale in this day and age without thinking about the global box office returns, though. And I'm someone who isn't usually first to notice the racial composition of a group of people. But being aware of global marketing concerns does make me wonder why they