
Wait, what? You're making me want to see it now.

If I was Adam Driver in that situation, I'd rather sit next to Anthony Daniels, too.

All located in the state of Scaryland, am I right guys? …guys?

It wouldn't surprise me if you were right. On LOST, the scripts frequently included copious swearing to communicate the level of intensity the actors were expected to put into the delivery, and then when it was time to shoot they'd change the swears to network-appropriate words like "screw," "damn," etc. I always

He's the blue-collar Jon Hamm.

Don't forget the evil pseudo-Russian-voiced character. You know, just to keep it current.

"Mystified by the passage of time" is about where I'm at, but then again, that basically sums up my general state of mind.

"A really weird experience" is the highest expectation I can muster for watching this.

Somebody who is not me needs to make an annotated "Who's Who" style version of this photo. Like, is Mark Hamill to Adam Driver's left, or is he the uppermost checkered-shirt guy on the lefthand side of the photo?

Here's hoping they pull a Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and have a framed still of Lando & Han in a TESB scene sitting conspicuously on somebody's desk.

It's almost as paradigm-shattering as the inclusion of Andy Serkis as a CGI character.

Funny, I was excited to see him in the cast because I find him totally charmless, and now I'll never have to see him in another movie besides these three.

Point taken, but in these post-John Carter, post-Lone Ranger days, I think Disney's probably not above a little belt-tightening, even on a project like this.

I'll bet that Academy Award priced her out of the running.

Having re-watched seasons 1-6 about a month back, it amazed me just how much of a fucking dick Ken was in the first and second season. Like, reliably sleazy. But I love how marriage and the validation of publication mellowed him out (season premiere notwithstanding; I presume he's so stressed precisely because all

I agree with you that Lou is a real zero on all counts, but his lameness is exactly why I think he'll be chosen over Don — it will seem heart-rendingly unjust to us viewers, and cinch the "Don as metaphor for fading golden era of American capitalism" theme of the series at the same time. I'm not saying I want to see

…and, as long as we're predicting things here, the partners will choose Lou.

And yet, I'm filled with dread at the inclusion of the information that Don will forfeit his entire partner's share if he breaks his new contract. Even if you're Matt Weiner, you don't throw something like that in there if it's not going to come into play somewhere down the line…

Children of the Hobbit 3: The Urban Harvest

No, you're right — my reaction to the film is not a particularly rational one. I just have real love for the guy, and it hurts to see something that he would have found humiliating and galling in life come to pass now that he's dead. But it's a totally emotional thing, that's why I told myself it wasn't worth