
Thanks for taking the time to write that. I'll try to remember your descriptions of the leads when the movie comes out, so I can laugh when I see the ads.

It looks like he's got a pair of briefs on his head, not a bandanna.


Just have to vent about this, because I withstood the temptation to do so in the comments for the article announcing the movie:

Think I'm paraphrasing, but Stan's "I didn't know your cat earned enough to send flowers" has to be up there.

Does she think he's worthwhile, or has she just accepted that she's stuck with him as a father?

VanDerWerff, I like your writing a lot of the time, but would it kill you to write something that doesn't have the following sentence construction in it:

Reminds me of Jodorovsky's Dune — that guy is 84 and he could be 60.

The term "douche chills" doesn't even begin to describe the level of revulsion I felt watching that.

Truer words, man.

I've been calling him the Mark Twain of the 21st Century for years… feel free to steal that from me & run with it.

rick moranis

He's got to save some material for the after-party.

A network of grown men and women getting rich on the mass exploitation of a former child star's sexuality by convincing her it was her own idea???

It is an hilarious statement, to be sure.

I was pretty surprised at the grade too. It never ceases to amaze me how this show can be boring (last week) and/or terrible (2 weeks ago), and then randomly superb (this week). But who knows how I'd feel if I was being paid to watch and then speed-write a thoughtful, well-written review of this shit every week?

You're not alone there. The clacking teeth of the zombie on the train tracks was an extra mile that I appreciated, but the sync was totally off from what the actor was doing with his mouth.

I think you just did.

The "early 60s" and the "late 60s" halves are pretty different, and IMO it gets better as it goes along, but it's worth sticking through the first few seasons to get to the back end. Season 1 has a definite "check out what wasn't invented yet/how shittily men treated women" over-obviousness problem that is pretty

It's way too easy for me to imagine the writers defying our expectations and putting Roger at Woodstock instead of Sally.