

a) aggro much?
b) this is the first time i've said this, so i'm not sure why you're asking me about a hypothetical second time
c) my point is that the content of the article does not match the assertion in the headline. this is not an article about a new muppet. this is a funny or die sketch.
d) i love you

The AV Club's new "click-bait" headlines will teach me how to spell "ya know, this site is seeming less and less worth my time these days"

i feel the need to fall on my hipper than thou sword here by pointing out that Stars Of The Lid and The Dead Texan are basically the same thing

Smoking it? That's out, apparently. But eating it, vaping it, rubbing tinctures of it on his balls… I bet that's all still fair game.

at this point it's just weird to me that the writers treat any relationships whatsoever as some anomaly for the general monkhood that pervades all of the 'good guy' locations. in Alexandria I can think of 2 existing relationships (Rick/Michonne, Aaron/that dude) in a town of, what, at least 40 people? if there was an

Our Overlords:
"How can we take all the joy out of the one free thing left to all of humanity?"
[see article]

Shouldn't there be a douche chill warning at the top of this article?

Yeah, Wright's a pro, but Newton in that glass-room "my baby" freakout put him to shame. She was so with the moment that she lost her American accent.

Sylvester and Felix are those dudes' names? Cool, I look forward to meeting Tweety and Foghorn from accounting in a future episode.

"Not a terrific leader"? What do you need him to do, build an actual castle? His capitulation to the Saviors was met with something like respect from the guy on task to collect, had been humanely rationalized, and he's the head of a thriving community where everyone seems content, loyal, and fond of him. And he's got

you forgot "get paid to" in the headline

For the record, a "chode" is a penis that is wider than it is long. I always envisioned it being spelled "choad," though.

Sorry if I'm echoing anybody else here, but can we please have a moratorium on the "writer pretends that an unpopular cinematic work does not exist" joke? It was a little funny the first time, but the first time was a loooooooooong time ago.

The real question is "True Detective vs Top of the Lake," if we're talking weird mini-serieses. (And the answer is "Top of the Lake.")

Wow, I read thru the whole comments, and not one mention of the sex tape? Obviously Jack White's not going to bring it up in an interview, but did everybody else forget about it or something? Isn't it like crystal clear that Meg quit the band because of the sex tape? IIRC, during the tour for Icky Thump, Meg quit

I prefer Joseph Gordon-Levitt's other Christmas movie, "Mysterious Skin."

given the excellence and general pre-meditatedness of pretty much everything else about this series, i feel given to wonder if the comparison between those two episodes is intentional.

i watched it via online sneak-nanigans and she definitely, definitely dropped an uncensored fuck. it was also a really well-deployed use of an uncensored fuck, too — it told us about her character, Pete, and the 'times' all at once. Not just a fuck for fuck's sake, if you will.

"My Norwegian grandfather always said…"