
Basically, anything that you'd use an oven for, you can use a toaster oven for, as long as it fits.

@Nitesh: Haha yeah, I did ask it, but yours was pretty much the only serious response. Also, I'm hoping that's just a bug in the beta, because I know this doesn't happen on all my installs of FF3.

Okay. Here's my problem. Firefox is leaking memory. Bad.

@commander_k: There's usually 2 different holds if they ship pets. A pressurized (and heated) hold for things like pets and such, and a non-pressurized cargo hold, which would be pretty cold.

@sighing: Not on the sidewalk...

@bawheid: I enhanced it. It says "1".

@Mr_Academic: So it could have happened up to 640 years ago!

What is with Abrams and capitalized 3D titles? LOST, FRINGE, ALCATRAZ...

@GetOutOfBox: But if you have a WEP network, cracking that is more "difficult" than simply finding and spoofing a MAC address.

@Benedinho: No need to be snarky. I'm sure he just uses his portable 8-track player to listen to music on the run.

@gor62: To lighten your load, you could just donate your organs in advance. Organs tend to be really heavy, and take up a lot of space.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I never even noticed that it was misspelled. Perhaps it's because the combination of caps and red lettering burned out my eyes and I was not able to read it properly.

What about kids who were in a class whose teacher used reverse alphabet order half the time? Would the Ms and Ns then be the more impulsive of the class?

@Cogito: I agree that he should start with only one colour, maybe 2 at most, but I disagree that any one colour is harder than another. They're simply different core strategies.

@gilligan156: I'll play! I haven't played since Mirrodin though. Man, that was such a long time ago.

The DOD most certainly has resources dedicated to UFOs. Because if an unidentified object is flying through US airspace, they definitely want to know about it.

Well my kids sure aren't getting anywhere near this game!

@rphoto: Well, to test the "time traveling backwards" theory, you'd just have to write a note to future you to say you'll be observing the particle at such and such a time. Then all future you has to do, is modify the particle at the right time.