@theimmc: The 8" floppy is the relatively unknown, and little-used predecessor to the 5 1/4" floppy.
@theimmc: The 8" floppy is the relatively unknown, and little-used predecessor to the 5 1/4" floppy.
So... here's my problem. I got GT5 for Christmas, and was playing it at my parents house for a couple weeks. I thought I could transfer the data using a USB stick, but after the transfer, GT5 pops up the warning that the data is "from a different profile" and my PS3 won't let me use it.
@Tsylord: Pay everything immediately. That's the best, and only, advice for owning a credit card.
@miguelcervantes: You can still do fancy by hand. Especially if you're not doing Flash/Java (which is what most "designers" consider fancy).
@RenRen: Not vaccinated.
Got GT5 for Christmas, and was playing it at my parents house for a couple weeks. I thought I could transfer the data using a memory key, but the data is "from a different profile" and my PS3 won't let me use it.
@Jello4Brains: Damn you for making me redo a conversion between metric and imperial units to satisfy my curiosity about a random Giz commenter's age.
@ProfessorSara: Dammit. You beat me by a minute.
"The exclusion of humanity's number one product..."
@pantsonfireliarliar: My friend tried the iPad on a regular music stand. It's very difficult to quickly swipe to turn pages and whatnot. With a footswitch, I guess it could work.
The mic stand mount actually doesn't look too bad. If I had an iPad, I would probably try to use it for sheet music, and something like this would come in handy.
@pastaman44: I live in Canada, and I've never seen an ATM that reads chips.
@TheRealDoshu: Hm.. that sounds like what I want. I'm not going to be playing anymore on the PS3 which currently holds my profile/usable GT5 data.
Do you guys know any way to transfer GT5 game save data from one PS3 to another?
@EchoSix: Technically it's a Latin term (pila) which trickled down through the romantic languages (such as Romanian, and Italian as used in "Voltaic pile"), and eventually worked it's way into English.
@orca9999: I stand corrected.
When you thrown in the uncapitalized word "pile" in a sentence, it doesn't really make sense. I (the reader) think you're talking about a stack or heap of some sort, when really, "pile" is Romanian for "battery" or "cell".
@corpore-metal: Yeah, I walk super fast too. It's fine when I'm walking by myself, but when I'm with other people, I always have to slow down. I can slow down to a point, but eventually it actually kinda hurts to walk any slower.
@RyanLN: Wait... so you're the one handing out the gift cards?
@Make.Sense: I can't tell the difference between FLAC and 320 kbps, but I can (usually) tell the difference when it's 192 kbps and below, and occasionally at 256 kbps.