
I still firmly believe that the Eureka recaps should be portmanteaued as Eurekap.

So, at the beginning of the week, I was assigned a project. Basically, I had to migrate code from one build to another, update the makefiles, and make sure I didn't break anything. I finished the bulk of it the first day. (It was really closer to 2 hours, and I just slacked off the rest of the time.)

@jamesryan: Megan Fox blamed everyone but herself (I guess, she mostly blamed Michael Bay and the writers).

When I first saw the second picture, I thought it was a new concept watch from Yanko Design.

Three cars coming from that direction, and none of them took any pictures? Jeez Google. What are we paying you for?

@CrymeLord: The counterpoint is that you have a fear of big, hairy, spiders.

@The Captain: Co-directed by M.Night Shymalan and Michael Bay.

@bsts: Rogers has a similar service to Fido. Although I'm not sure how easy it is to buy a SIM without a phone, since all of their pay as you go phones are prepackaged with the SIM cards.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Technically, it could still be a late fall release. It doesn't need FCC approval for release in India.

@llamatron: And all those tiny people are powered by tiny batteries!

@phool: I believe you. My dad does the same thing with apples. And sometimes watermelon rinds.

@jonboy.ross: Their source for the photos was SpoilerTV.

I didn't even know a tool existed for "hulling" strawberries.

@Nikkoli: It could just as easily be mounted on a robot. The "interaction" part means he doesn't have to press a button every time he turns a corner or something.

@SKiTz: Don't be crazy. I surgically embedded it in my lap. If it was in my abdomen, there wouldn't be much point to the 500 situps I do every morning, now would there?

@jacobestes: There's a whole bunch of stars over at LH (me included). The thing is, that most of them don't comment on every article, only the ones relevant to them.

@FredicvsMaximvs: I'm not going to try it now, but I think I once clicked the star by accident when going for the heart, and nothing happened.