
@Curves: Tags you might not expect:

@CubeRat: If you really want to make it feel like your throat is on fire, try some Fireball whiskey.

@jdale: Hm... at first, I assumed the other end was lying on the moon, but now that I think about it, that probably wouldn't work either.

That looks like a sound wave to me. Someone should run that image through an audio program, and see what it sounds like.

Whoa, that’s a full airplane all the way.

@jdale: You could always siphon it. Just give a little bit (okay, it'll probably take a lot) of suction to get the air flowing, and it'll flow forever!

So does Nicolas Sarkozy add the 2" to his before-shoe height, or his after-shoe height?

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: I'm a guy who likes moonlight walks on the beach. Mostly I just like walking on the beach though, and sunlight burns.

Well, I got it loaded, and it boots, but I have quite a few problems.

From Wikipedia:

@crashfrog: To extend your analogy even further, we could then take a marker, and change the colour of the marble. However, this disentangles the two marbles, and does not affect the colour other marble at all.

@Slade: By the time it wears off, it'll be too late to return it/out of warranty, and El Jobso won't care anymore.

@ihityouinthenose: Like I mentioned, I don't really have high standards for wine, so I'm not exactly wasting good or expensive wine in the first place.

Very good list.

@RexMaximus: Truth is never stranger than fiction.