If there's anything 80's movies and television taught me, it's that over-the-top romantic gestures trump any and all of our male shortcomings, including, but not limited to:
If there's anything 80's movies and television taught me, it's that over-the-top romantic gestures trump any and all of our male shortcomings, including, but not limited to:
I blame all of the terrible, cheesy 80's/90's movies and television programs. And those terrible fucking jewelry commercials.
Maybe it's to weed out all of the armchair detectives and lawyers who watch Law & Order.
Do newborn caskets grow up into big boy caskets?
I've heard of not leaving 'wounded soldiers' behind, but this is extreme.
Is that you, Eli?
Two points-
I duct tape it under my armpits for at least 6 hours.
Nevermind all that- how are the couches doing? Stable, I hope?
So the only offense she's guilty of in this situation is one against good taste.
Isn't it amazing how society hasn't broken down? Truly amazing. Here I was, thinking that police are the only thing keeping us from living in some Mad Max post-apocalypse.
They very much look like jeans. I don't care what she wears, but those definitely look like jeans. I have never seen acid washed dress slacks.
I like beer.
+1000000 on the german imports. I can't get enough. I've been brewing beer for about 8 years. after a trip to Munich a few years ago, I've dedicated myself to only making Helles, Dunkels, and Oktoberfests. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm getting pretty good at it. I had an Oktoberfest win best in show a few…
I just spit coffee all over my keyboard watching that trailer.
I think one constant of all Bond villains is that they're always done in by their own arrogance/vanity.
Ha ha. You give Radio Shack clerks way too much credit.
I 100% disagree with your thesis, and reject your Doctorate in Movieology. Casino Royale and Skyfall are easily in the top 5 Bond films ever made. It's inconceivable that Bond wouldn't have serious mental issues. Running around killing people without any remorse is cartoonish and lazy.
Being successfully distracted on an airplane for 90 minutes instantly raises a movie's quality by one full tomato.
What the hell is 'distracting sex?' I'd certainly hope that all forms of sex are distracting from whatever else is going on in the room.