Smart Computer Boy

When I saw the news I genuinely thought, “Man, I hope Felix writes about him.”

...given that IRL is unexplored territory.

Of course, nothing gay about two Army officers vacationing at Fire Island and lunching at a seaside bistro, admiring eachother’s handwriting. 

One of the most interesting pieces of conversation come from the desires of the blind man who “purchased” Chris at auction. He starts off their conversation by sharing how much he admired his work, how he failed at being a great artist bc he lacked “the eye” and how it took him to his current path - which, if you

When Georgina spills some of the ice tea, it’s because she is almost put under a trance by the mom stirring her tea with a spoon

Bernie supporters turned out for Hillary at a higher rate than Hillary supporters turned out for Obama in ‘08. Maybe you should’ve listened to people telling you that HRC was an awful, unelectable candidate instead of being offended that someone would dare challenge her rightful ascension to the throne.

bernie sanders inscribed ancient sigils on the wisconsin border to keep clinton from campaigning there.

rumour has it there was a circumcision option in the beta, but it was cut.

Jonathan Chait?

the guys weren’t even that nice

fraud is real

Do I believe they called him “Diaper Don?”

i’m starting to doubt if Frank was ever even real at all

But you also look like a REAL dildo.

Just imagine how good he’s going to feel when he finally takes that human-skin suit off and lets his dorsal venom sac breathe.

yeah i in general think that the louder you talk about a publicly appreciated personal attribute — confidence, love of sex, feminism, hotness, whatever — the more sus it tends to be

In case you were wondering...some engineer figured out that Drake would be about 13' tall sitting down if that photo were real.

Boy, this bit sure got tired fast!