Smart Computer Boy

I started watching Buffy for the first time ever about six months ago and for some reason the camerawork when she finds her mom really got me and I cried for the entire episode (in case anyone thinks the appeal of this show is at all limited to the 90s/early 2000s lol)

fraud is real

‘naked black hole’ is what my horrible ex wife used to call my b-hole during periods of great stress. i miss her...

I’m guessing it would look worse if the emulator wasn’t running with what looks like pretty high quality AA? Still really good though

i’m not sure we’re giving “justin bieber working on his hentai coloring book” the attention it deserves

this is incorrect

bird person

Man, Richard Branson’s behavior gets more confusing by the day.

are you telling me that the perfect hoodie is NOT the american giant one whose obnoxious ads are slowly taking over my entire life

It is also very important that we talk about neil “degrassi” tyson

A creative/still pretty reasonable interpretation of the “Johnny Depp has Native American blood” line could be that he actually does own a jar of Native American blood, like on a shelf in his living room or something.