Point Break Patrick Swayze

Doesn't he know he should be losing so the Browns can get a better replacement for him next year? 

Way to fuck up the Browns draft position, Mayfield.

She’s a porn star

Trying to church up Deadspin for a sale, baby!

Oh wow—I skimmed over the subhead thinking it was “Great Moments in Poop History,” and was very confused by that story. I re-read it a few times to see if I somehow missed the crap. “Did Grandpa shit while he was dealing cards?” 

I’m with you. That one story about the dog jumping into sewage last year had me laughing so hard I was crying. I need those laughs in my cubicle-based existence.

Where the fuck did “Great Moments in Poop History” go?!?! Are you trying to distance yourself from poo stories? Fun Bag has been lacking poop in the Email of the Week section as well.

Definitely Lauren. Contrarian Yinzer Media shitheels don’t give as much of a damn about Pittsburgh sports front offices as her. She’s already grossly overestimated the relative size of the Pittsburgh market to make the Pirates look like the Dollar Bill Wirtz-era Blackhawks, and phrased it in the most condescending New

Unlikely as he clearly has the ball in the tip of his glove when he falling into the stands. There is no evidence that he dropped the baseball and then grabbed he ball that rolled THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION out of the bag and used it to try and fool the umpire. This is shitty journalism as best.

This is baseball. Per protocol, he will hit with a pitch on his backside next time they play. 

Well that was a deflating reply.

So make one then, instead of just indicating where a joke might be. Jesus.

Chik-Fil-A one hundred times more overrated over Shake Shack. It’s a fucking FRIED CHICKEN CUTLET.

no other fanbase is so singularly obsessed with cheap vodka as the vikings fanbase.  

The overuse of the word “Skol” by their fan base is enough for me to want them to crash and burn every season. 

Not since the casinos opened in PA

I have some family there. The type of sports fan out there is staggeringly bad. The whole city is made out of fans that throw batteries at WVU games and Steelers games. Fuck that. Add a few doses of angry racism and economic despair, alcoholism and pills and I give you the Wheeling sports fan. Also there are a few

Re: “If you ain’t a Steeler fan, you ain’t shit” shirts.

Seriously, I have a former friend who lived in fucking West Virginia and he STILL emphasized that shit in his texts. Motherfucker, you weren’t even suburban Pittsburgh. Why do you want to sound like a dumbass?!

You must not have been to Pittsburgh in recent years. As AB would say, “Business is booming” for the city.