Point Break Patrick Swayze

Relatedly, the Pens’ and Steelers’ success has poisoned everyone in this city. People talk about the Pirates, a team that’s got a notorious skinflint owner and 4 winning seasons since I was born like they should be winning the World Series every year. These people are delusional.

You should’ve seen PNC Park from 2013-15. Everyone was a baseball ‘expert,’ but only knew who Andrew McCutchen and Neil Walker were.

The city is used to dead bodies.

+1 “S”

I never met anyone who did. I mean, we laugh at them a lot. Strange, fucked up creatures they are.

Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!

That man is only 25 years old.

Having no fans is better than having bad fans?

Ray Lewis saw no prison time for his role in a double murder (which he probably didn’t commit, but certainly aided and abetted) and has an issue with NFL players protesting cops who murder and don’t go to prison. Gotta hand it to the guy: at least he’s consistent.

The synergy between topic and burner name is well done.

Your moment arrived. I’m happy for you.

Non-yinzer here, and I have to say the mass that is Primanti’s sat well with me in the middle of a drunken haze during a bachelor’s party. I give them nine thumbs up!

Mmm, that looks good.


agreed, but Peppi’s isn’t open at 2:30AM after the bars close, or if you’re pulling an all-nighter... at which point, bring on the #doublecapneggncheese

“UTAH, make it two”

Phil Kessel is a national treasure, and if you disagree, you are wrong.

Kinja needs a down vote button. Most of your rant has nothing to do with the story above. Since you brought it up, the media did EVERYTHING it could to make sure a liberal won the White House.

I’ll never understand the assholes who don’t enjoy this series. I love the Saints, and I love this post.

Atlanta itself is an urban planner’s nightmare.