Point Break Patrick Swayze

A couple of pitchers I used to play against in high school who went on to the majors were the best batters on their teams,easily. 

What is proper bidet etiquette? When I visited my wife’s family in Italy, they had one but it had a cloth next to it, I guess to pat your butthole dry afterward, but I never saw them switch that cloth and often wondered if sharing a butthole drying cloth was normal? I stuck with the toilet and TP. I would love to buy

I’m all for shaking shit up, so I’ll try it. 

I didn’t think he looked nervous or uncomfortable. He just didn’t look like someone who has a swung a bat in many many years. He did the only thing he could think of which was throw his whole body into swinging for the fences. Even though he pulled his head and entire body during his swing, had he connected, the swing

“I’m Ichiro Suzuki?”

Nope. It doesn’t hinge on that at all. 

Getting hit in the face with a hot dog is the wurst.

Oh. So that makes it ok for them to judge men. I wasn’t following, but thanks for clearing that up. So in your mind, black people can be racist against white people because white people have been racist towards them for so long. Got it.

This article was dumb as fuck. None of the haircuts (with the exception of Neymar’s unkempt hair) were particularly bad haircuts. The dye jobs questionable, maybe, but this article was a reach and under delivered tremendously.

Honestly, this is exactly how I feel. And I’ll add a fuck you to everyone on here ripping me for having no idea who this man was. Bunch of fucking assholes who have this guy’s cock so far up their asses they can’t even think straight.

Because I don’t know who someone is? Thanks buddy. You have a great weekend, too. Dick.

Good on you for trying to turn my comment into me wanting to feel special because I didn’t know who he was. Why would I want or expect a prize for that? I simply had no idea who he was or why he was famous.

None of the above. I don’t watch a lot of tv. I thought I’ve heard his name before, but when I saw his pic, he didn’t ring a bell. I’ve heard of Guy Fieri and know what he looks like, but have never watched anything he’s been on.

Am I the only one who had no idea who the hell that guy was?

Wait, you think the guy’s tapping put people in danger? lol. The gator’s thrashing was more likely tied to the fact that he was being lifted off the ground by three people and put into a truck.

Now playing

Florida resident here. The last thing you want is for an alligator to enter a residential area. For them to do that, it likely means they’re hungry and not getting the food they need close to their home. God forbid a young child or dog get within range of that thing.

When I was in Italy, fell in love with those things. I wish my house had one. I don’t want some cheap attachment for my toilet, I need the real thing!

“I used to face the toilet while wiping and then dunk it straight in.”