Point Break Patrick Swayze

Settle down, Tom. Fact is, it was a dirty hit and a suspension is warranted.

Ovechkin after a few seasons with the Capitals. Only his is real.

“Downey described himself as “100 percent not a fucking liberal.”

Pierre McGuire right now is telling everyone that will listen that he has better reflexes than Ovechkin.

That hit was disgusting and totally uncalled for. The league needs to make an example of Wilson and suspend him for the rest of the series. Won’t happen though. They also need stricter rules for suspensions. Maybe three in a year and you’re suspended for the rest of the season. I don’t know if that would work, but

My favorite was this guy.

I’m annoyed at being annoyed about all of this.

I read an article a couple years back about how the acidity in Garcinia Cambogia helps stop stones from forming and helps break up existing ones. They sell this in supplement form at your local GNC, as it’s supposedly some weight loss thing too.

BD are the initials of his side chick. 911 is what he texts her when he wants to hook up. Mystery solved.

Both doctors I’ve had told me that once it passes trough the ureter, you’re pretty much good to go. Sounds now like that’s not the case for everyone. For me, I’ve passed multiple stones twice. The most agonizing pain was while they were passing through the ureter. Once they got through the ureter, peeing didn’t hurt

Kidney stones cause pain when passing internally, not the part where you pee them out.

Her next article may very well be about her hatred for Magary for discovering him.

To make you feel better, Deadspin is offering a whooping 40% percent off Fitbits on Amazon!!!! WHAT A DEAL!

Here we go again.

It was just playing a quick game of cat and mouse with them.

Wouldn’t you think they’d plan what games get coverage before the weekend even starts though. This should have been a no-brainer as a deciding series game.

Y’all need to staff better on weekends. Can’t believe there was nothing about this yesterday. It was a day game, too.

lol. I’m just messing around. Good luck in your race.

Got it backwards.

On a side note, fuck DK Sports!