Nah. Not worth my time. Easier to download them via bit torrent when the urge to watch a specific movie occurs.
Nah. Not worth my time. Easier to download them via bit torrent when the urge to watch a specific movie occurs.
We considered that too. We had them all in storage in between moves and realized we didn’t miss them, so we said so long. We were both allowed to keep 20 movies each and full seasons for 5 additional shows we had to agree upon. So we still have roughly 75 DVDs. That’s a lot better than the hundreds we used t own.
If they’re in cases, they probably are dust free.
I remember when some bands used to do that. Back then it took like an hour for that shit to load on my shitty desktop.
It’s basically a digital pawn shop with a super easy process. Download the app, use the bar code scanner to scan your Blu-Rays, DVDs and CDs (yes, they purchase CDs too) and it’ll tell you how much they’ll pay you for it. You can then add it to the cart if you want to sell it or pass. Once you’ve finished, you check…
I just sold about 150 DVDs to Decluttr (got a total of $60) because I don’t have the time to list them on ebay and the pawn shop wasn’t giving anywhere close to what Decluttr was. While I love hard copies, we just don’t have the room in our home or the time to watch all of the DVDs we owned. We had like 300+ and it’s…
Gordon Bombay.
You wife is clearly from Pittsburgh.
The Pens scored 28 goals in 6 games and won the series 4-2 and you’re saying the Flyers gave them trouble? lol. Come on now. They Flyers played well at times, but the Pens exposed their weakness and made them pay. How about the Pens PP defense. Amazing this series.
They have the toughest schedule in the NFL every year. Because they’re the Browns.
You gotta hand it to the manager. Only person on the field who didn’t take a dive when someone put a hand on him!
It feels like a cliff dive for a player that can still produce in the majors, just not at the level he is known for. I’m pretty shocked his stock fell to minor league levels so quickly.
Photoshop fun with Drew’s glasses pic. GO!
I wish there were writers available on the weekend to post more to Deadspin. This would have been a nice read Sunday morning. The content over the weekend is minimal.
My take is Dad A is just an asshole. The first puck was clearly meant for the little girl, as Connolly pointed and indicated. When Dad A snagged it, he should’ve handed it to her.
Pittsburgh’s market is also going up now. Weird because it had always been low. We sold our 2-bedroom starter home that we paid $97K for in 2008 for $162K in 2017. Thank god we bought that house when we did because the extra money and equity we already had in it was the only reason we were able to afford a nice home…
“I kept blowing and was eventually able to grab the edge of the thing and slowly pull it out. It plopped on the floor in front of the toilet, followed by an explosion of blood out my nose.”
Man, the pressure was really Felton there by Goodyear!