
I quit smoking the night I had a heart attack. I was 47 and had been smoking for 30 years. It was one in the morning, I was putzing around on the computer and I knew something was wrong. I filled my beloved dog’s bowls with extra food, cleaned the toilet in case I died and she ran out of water and then sat down on my

Hey, I’m out here on the KP. Hate to say it, but we’re the Florida of Washington. Not proud of it, but hey*

When I was managing a fine dining joint, the big ritual at the end of the night was to pour some wine for everyone, sit at the big round and go over service. While we were doing this, the servers would roll their napkins or polish the silver, and I’d match all of their tickets with the POS report. As with your $800

Once, too long ago, I worked for a magical company called Edmark. We created educational software for kids and it was - out of many, many jobs - the best working environment I’ve ever been in. Why?

You’re absolutely right; the restaurant should accommodate the guests’ requests whenever possible. And therein lies a lot of the problem with diner dissatisfaction and pissiness. What some guests with dietary restrictions can’t seem to understand is that food prep in a restaurant is a lot different that food prep at

I came later to the Tiger Lillies; I first saw them in their production of “Shock-headed Peter” at the Moore. When the trap door opened and Martyn Jacques ascended, with that voice of a demented angel, I swear to god that I left my body for a moment.

I’m an old Seattlite [60 now], so bear with me. There’s been a few.