P Spliffs

Heaven is great, except the shortage of chairs

Using dank to refer to good weed is the proper usage.

This makes no sense. Like the name though.

Popcorn Time

You’re right, clearly every Muslim in the world is to blame for the actions of small minority. Like when another crazy white dude decides to shoot up a high school, it’s my fault.

I don’t think anybody gives a shit about the function. Perhaps you should stop being such a douche.


Haha. Valid points all around. I mean, these movies aren’t supposed to be like the godfather-type good. They are what they are. Some people just get too worked up about it

That’s the movie business. It’s about appealing to as many people as possible. Not a trek fan and liked the movies so guess they’re doing something right. Maybe I won’t like BvS either, but it won’t be because I have this preconceived notion that the characters have to be portrayed the way I expect and anything less

Oh, so since you read the comics, it should be up to you how these characters are presented onscreen? The movies are being made for millions of movie viewers, not just people that read comics. And the majority of the people that go see this movie probably don’t read comic books.

Wow, you really are Buzz Killington.

I’m so confused.

It doesn’t look like an iPhone 6 because, you know, it’s not an iPhone 6. It’s the iPhone SE.

*Chandlah. We don’t pronounce our r’s.

Oh right, because everybody that has ever been arrested has been guilty of a crime.

Dude, chill. No need to be a dick.

He threw a temper tantrum? He makes valid counter points to your ridiculous argument and you just insult him by calling him a baby and make up some shit about temper tantrums?


My best friend is a cousin of the guy that owns the car wash that Judge Parker uses and says he’s a huge Brady fan.