
I watched it and I agree! My mom woke my sister and me up at 4 am when we were 6 and 4 years old, respectively, to watch. It started what we like to call our “little wedding problem.”

MrPeaches and I were flying from Seattle to San Diego for a wedding, our first trip as a couple after we had kids. For the trip, we had a window and middle seat, with MrPeaches in the window. The dude in the aisle seat was...well he was hitting the call button to demand stuff while the plane was still being loaded,

Marcia Marcia Marcia!

It just sounds awful. I’m sensitive to most commercial soap products, in a skin cracks and bleeds sort of way, so have had to be creative with hygiene. A year or so ago I had a bad reaction to shampoo - my scalp released sebum like crazy in rebellion. I ended up washing my hair with dish soap to strip out the grease,

That sounds...yuck. I am so sorry. Have you had a dermatologist check this out? It sounds like a glandular problem.

I just headed over to to see about the spermicide, because that’s the shit that burns. It says “Contragel is a 100% natural and vegan spermicide alternative.”

I keep rereading that Dear Employees letter and I have to say, I would consider it done after the first sentence. I often feel bad for Customer Service employees, but the “service” provided by United has traditionally been so awful that my guess is the handbook relies on something like “offer customers blank stare.”

Having some fond Trapper Keeper memories right now. These days it reminds me more of my kids sticking stickers to stuff. For instance, foam sea animals on the inside of the car windows. WTF.

I just wish she could shift her annoyance to our Mom Who Insisted. She’s the good child, Mom would have gone with whatever she wanted.

As my father-in-law once said, “you swear a lot more now that you work in kindergarten.” Yeah I do. Oh and parents suck.

My sister is still mad that my new fiancé stole some thunder at her wedding. I’m annoyed that she was annoyed. She dated her husband for 6 years and was engaged for two. I got engaged a month before her dream wedding. My mom insisted MrPeaches had to be there because family, so he flew in for it, which sucked and cost

It’s setioysly delicious. I wholeheartedly agree with the entire list with the exception of #1. But then, my favorite part of the broccoli is the stem. A tempura broccoli stem would be so good. Now I need tempura.

What qualifies as less attractive, exactly? I mean...perspective and perception could skew this study a lot.

This is a place to publicly feel safe. Your statements indicate you think everyone sharing here, who feels safe doing so, is too stupid to know that being overweight and obese is unhealthy. This place is somewhere people who don’t feel safe can maybe start. You’ve stopped that process, for no purpose. You are on what

...meanwhile I’m thinking “Omg that sounds like the very best mouthfull of cum EVER”

Love this ♡

MrPeaches knew I was the one right away; I knew MrPeaches was the one the minute we met in person (we met online in 1999, before people did that). After 14 years of marriage, I’m still sure, as is he, even with the piles o’drama that we’ve gone through. It comes down to one thing: we both know that the other is there

I can see how this could be a problem, but really, it’s not, because all of the measures of calorie usage for however long people have been trying to count calories will be similarly skewed, right? The logic of calories remains straightforward whether they are accurately calculated or not; calories from fat, protein,

It may have been, but it may have been something else. Before resorting to the Diva Cup I tried several brands of pad including 7th generation and none were bearable. in first came out with the tampon, which had somehow seared itself to my interior, and then continued to come out. It was probably blistered tissue in the process of healing.