
Being a life long resident of the Pittsburgh area and growing up with guys like Clemente, Stargell, Face, and Maz as my childhood favorites, it only makes sense that at 62 years old, I am a fan of the Buccos no matter what.

I’ve been actively advocating for the legalization of medical marijuana for 35 years now and we finally got it here in PA. If you have ever watched a very young child have 150 seizures in a 4 hour period, the argument becomes very convincing. Of course, you see my username and you might assume certain things but one

I never get tired of seeing this happen over and over again. Mainly because it should NEVER happen at the pro level.

Good motherfucking riddance.

Fuck you, asshole. If you did your homework instead of devouring decades of Fox News shit, you would know it’s not even close. Liberals work and pay the taxes and the MAGA fake conservatives suck up gubmint cheese by the tanker load.

Fuck you, Blest. Did you get trolled by the video edit thereby trolling us readers or is this some kind of purposeful bullshit clickbait?

Actually, I do not believe the NORKS have anything with the ability to send a warhead halfway across the Pacific let alone San Francisco. Nope. Can’t throw it this far.

Curt Schilling is at best a marginal candidate for the baseball HOF. The fact that he is a thief and an incredibly ignorant self-centered asshole has nothing to do with whether or not he gets enough votes. If nobody else will tell him, I would be honored to do it on national TV.

Can someone explain to me how a country of over 300,000,000 people can be fucked by 2 white men?

Put me on the Eric Kratz bandwagon!!

Actually, I would be obliged to have a word with that ex-ref and I guarantee that SOB will resign in a heartbeat. Nothing worse in this country than power without responsibility. Which describes our president to a “T” which rhymes with “P” which stands for PRISON

First of all, there are no conservatives, stop using that word. Second, what rule are you alluding to? Third, are you being an asshole for fun or are you showing us your version of logic?

You’ve made it very obvious you do not watch many (if any) Penguin games. I am not absolving #87 and handing him the Lady Byng but if you did watch, you would notice a very high percentage of the back hits and little slashes too close to the hands are retaliatory. And wherever you got the slew foot shit is beyond

How the fuck do you start an account and get out the gray within 1 article?

And gray forever.

Stay the fuck out of Pittsburgh. We have enough problems with assholes here.

Uhm. Well .... hmm .... how to say this ... Maybe it’s better to say nothing at all. That was a long time ago.

Very nice comment and poignant as well. Harold Baines was a great ballplayer who had a great career, no question. Well deserved star for you, for sure!!

You know I figured out you are a baseball asshole? Even though I agree that the induction of Maz was most likely a stretch, his name is Bill Mazeroski or to you Mr. Mazeroski. He was a great second baseman who used what little natural athletic ability he had and worked his fucking ass off. He was a great teammate and a

I dunno. Looks like goaltender interference to me, no?