
Goddammit anyway. I love baseball. Baseball is the perfect sport. The dimensions of the playing field are perfect. All distances that matter, home-to-first, 60’6”, 457, on and on, are perfect. Hot 2 hopper to short, Thunderpup fires across the diamond, crack of the first baseman’s Jai Alai cesta. Beautiful. Johnny

Just how short of a skirt is that young lady wearing .... the one sitting behind Ryan’s left hand???? And sitting in the front row? What parent would let their daughter out of the house to work for a congress critter wearing that?

Really, I have no problem with Belicheat but I enjoy busting balls about him and watching the prairie dogs rise up and defend him.

“were shocked”

Lambert is a prick and a bully. Got himself a job as a Game Warden here in Western PA which means he can do whatever the fuck he wants with very few restrictions, legally speaking. He is absolutely the last guy you want to run into while in the woods because he’ll fucking strip search you if he wants. And the 3

LOL, for sure.  

And I do not give even (1) one iota of a fuck that comment will be in the grays forever because it saved me $50 from the bill of my Shrink.

Full disclosure. From the Pittsburgh area. Teenager during the 70’s. Knows for a fact anabolic steroids were breakfast cereal for a certain number of players during that time.

Methinks you and I see this facet of the game with a similar attitude. A lot of pros have 100% and 85% and a very occasional 60%. This has nothing to do with raw speed. It’s professional baseball and an attitude to play the game to the best of their abilities. I know, sounds corny but I’ve met enough pros over my 56

Damon, I believe I read one of your missives that mentioned you are or were from the Pittsburgh area. I am a life long Pittsburgh resident and if I knew how to provide a link concerning the firing of Wendy Bell from her anchor position at WTAE-TV, I would.

Thank goodness there is no possible way in this universe he will ever wear a Pirate uniform and that’s okay with me and everybody that signs the checks in Bucco land. Now only if I can figure out how to get an American League team to sign him to a forever contract.

Nice little tribute to say good-bye to one of the good guys. From a Pirate fan, I sure did appreciate the fact he spent most of his career in the Junior Circuit.

Unless you have figured out Rugby, you are stuck with the NFL and NCAA and HS american football.

Jesus H Christ. You guys are bickering over 25K and therefore, missing the obvious.

In my universe, one can earn as much cash as desired. Problems I have with it concern lying, cheating, and stealing ... creating laws that permit said behaviors. Do I need to expound about this? I think not, this crowd should have a handle on this shit.

Don’t forget about the late John McCain! Had to get some of that big Budweiser money.

I have such a huge crush Ms. Obama and the only downside is this ... shouldn’t have a crush on a happily married (beautiful) woman.