Is that a dent on the driver’s side of the trunk? There is only the one picture of it, since for some reason the other shot that would see it has the trunk lid up and out of the frame.
Is that a dent on the driver’s side of the trunk? There is only the one picture of it, since for some reason the other shot that would see it has the trunk lid up and out of the frame.
It’s worse than it sounds.
And what was the clip they played from King Richard? “You’re not representing yourself; you’re representing little black girls all over the world.”
Only in Hollywood can one man sucker punch another man for literally nothing and then get a standing ovation.
Comedians make jokes about Male Pattern Baldness, and will do so until the end of time. CR makes a relatively tame joke about GI Jane and Will wants to throw hands? We know full well that had Bill Burr made that joke, he wouldn’t have done a damn thing. Will loves to act a fool in regards to Black people, because he…
The WTF moment was not when Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Smith. The WTF moment was when Will Smith got up from his seat, walked onto stage, and slapped Chris Rock in front of the world. Please don’t make the story about the dumb joke. The dumb joke did not make Will Smith get up there and smack Chris Rock. Will…
Swift never spoke out about the fan-on-fan doxxing and outing. Paradoxically, outing is what every Gaylor fan worries they might be doing to their megastar. They want to talk about her potential queerness. They also want to give her the space to come out, as queer fans understand the difficulty of coming out before…
Yeah, that was by far the worst. That wasn’t even a lie to avoid, say, giving out too many treats. It was just, “oh, my kid wants to spend time with me, but fuck it, that’s what robots are for.” Fuck you, parents. Do your damn job.
If you’re “tired of reading to your kids”, you shouldn’t have had kids and are a terrible parent.
Yeah, this only works when VERY young, because I remembered some of this bullshit, and it made me not trust my dad as a reliable source on anything.
Jesus, so many parents straight up lying to their kids. And with stupid lies that are easily unintentionally disproven. Tell your kid saltines are cookies, one day someone offers a cookie and they’re hungry so they say yes. Now they know cookies are delicious and you’re a lying piece of shit.
The vast majority of these tricks is just to straight up lie to your kids.
Dumbbells require that each hand, arm, shoulder, etc work independently (more or less). With a barbell you can compensate (some might say cheat) if one side is weaker than the other. Whether this is important to you or not depends on what your goals are and how much of an imbalance you have. If you just want to lift…
Related, don’t let anyone tell you that “Real enthusiasts never need ABS.”
Give up now.
You should probably stop driving.
I need one that says "KEEP RIGHT, ASSHOLE"
Um... getting to your destination and realizing the e-brake has been on the entire time? That's not just me right? Other people have done that?
I'm sure his wife and girlfriend are real winners, too.
Great runner. Girlfriend pregnant , wife mad must sell all my toys . U must take items on car. There is bbq parts, arrows, mt. Dew cans. There may also be a few items that u may throw away.P