Wake 'n Take

Points 3 and 4 stick out to me as being particularly relevant. You can construct an analytical model that, say, only includes playoff teams from the year before, or only includes teams with All-NBA players, or whatever criteria you want. That seems to be missing here.

Bisciotti: “Ray, should we sign Kaep as a QB?”

So I guess Bran’s blue dick will be unveiled in the next episode?


I’d rather see Geraldo get wanged in the face by a wang. That’s good TV.

How great would it be to see Tawmmy from Quinzee with jade eggs up his ass?

I thought it was a recording of a Primus sound check.

Anyone else shocked by the change from Kenny G to Primus at 1:00?

I live in Miami — saw a Lexus LFA on my drive into work this morning. Add that to the list I’ve seen on my commute, which includes a Bugatti, MacLaren, Ford GT, and a Pagani. And my old boss used to drive a Bentley. This city is ridiculous.


Holy shit — Rom Roberts is ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER?!? Suddenly the world makes sense.

Wow. Tessa racked it.

I live in Miami and had the same thought. With the hard top, you can use the a/c while driving to work in the summer and not be a ball of sweat when you arrive. Drop the top on weekends and between October and May. Since this is in Houston, I bet they did the same thing for the past 10 years.

Apropos of nothing, I cannot state strongly enough how much this place misses you.  

Nah, that’s cool, as long as you’re not doing them during peak hours. I was at the gym this morning, though, and these three bros were doing circuits together; I think none of them wanted to admit they needed to use less weight, so they all ended up using atrocious form. And to really be fair, there are much more

When you make it back to the gym, I’ll be happy to give you a spot. I can’t get over the number of people who just don’t grasp the idea of “you do you.” Dress up, dress down, whatthefuckever. Just don’t curl in the squat rack!

If you want to shame people at the gym, maybe shame the assholes who aren’t actually working out. You know, the bros with shitty form that clog up three stations because “circuit, bro!” and never get through an entire range of motion at any of them. Or the asshole old retired dudes at my gym who go to socialize —

DeMuro does obvious car things. Raph needs to spin out the Bug to more Bug things: