This is a perfect candidate for Deadspin's "Very Short Debates" feature.
This is a perfect candidate for Deadspin's "Very Short Debates" feature.
Shit — he's gay AND diabetic?!?
Player: "What could I do with a single brick? I could stand on it so I could see through someone's window...I could break a window to someone's bedroom...I could drop it into an empty pillowcase, then use that to hit her over the head...If I hit her again, does that still count? No? Ok...I could use it to hold open…
Seams to be nothing left to say. Hem's the breaks...
Any chance we can get the Nybro Action Team recap?
With the hair and those ears, this guy looks like Elrond on Ice.
It's a perfect fit — the Today show has been making people dumber for decades!
Jesus, Drew — any moron knows you go to In 'N Out first, so you could then take your Double Double Animal Style on your trip to Ayers Rock.
And please tell us what hat you chose to wear...
Rousey's not bad. I mean, she can't grapple, but you should see her box...
I use a mix of castor and olive oil as a preshave oil, and use shaving soap. It works great.
That was my first thought, too — where are the strength-training apps? I've been using FitnessFast. Why do you like Jefit and Fitocracy?
porn can take you "somewhere that you weren't expecting to go." Um, I guess?
You can make your own shave oil with olive oil, castor oil, and the essential oil of your choice. The proportions are something like 2:5 olive:castor (though I may have that reversed so GIY) with a few drops of essential oil. It works very well and is nice and cheap.
You can make your own shave oil with olive oil, castor oil, and the essential oil of your choice. The proportions…
Would love some suggestions from the crowd for a new backpack/bag. I go to the gym at lunch, so I would use the main compartment for that (clothes, shoes, toiletries). I'd like to find something with a detachable outer piece that can hold some other stuff for work (iPad, phone, notebook/journal). I'd like to find…
Glad to see you got off the GY!BE train for a week. I bought some of their albums based on your articles, and plan to listen while I veg out on a few trips this month, but can't imgine running to it.
So if you had a son — assuming a bright, honor-role level kid — who was thinking about playing football, how would you approach the issue of concussions and whether he should play the sport or not? Let's assume that you have a pretty definite idea that his kid is not going to play at any college level other than…
Another factor in the spread — motivation. How pissed would the Jacksonville players be at this matchup? They'd want to run up the score. The #8 team (FSU) can beat the #25 team (Maryland) by 63, and the Jags once beat the Dolphins 62-7 in a playoff game — so the Jags would know that winning by anything less than…