Safe Space Sally

That’s correct. There had been a Jewish Community in Hebron for five hundred years, until they were massacred by the Palestinians in 1929. They returned in 1967. What’s the problem with that?

Ideally, progressives are about truth and justice. In practice, progressives are often about raw emotionalism and self victimization. It really depends on the progressive. Hillary, or Jill Stein?

As much as I disagree with the BLM economic platform and some of what they’ve done on college campuses (see below), blatantly racist guys like this aren’t exactly helping.

Even on a 5150 call, a cop has the obligation to defend himself if he truly believes he’s about to be killed.

A troll is someone who attempts to harass just for fun, or to disrupt a conversation. I have absolutely no desire to disrupt or harass. I’m offering a valid viewpoint. As I’ve stated, the cops are often wrong, and often go way overboard.

No, personally attacking an anonymous poster online in an ad hominem way- something you’d never do to my face if you met me in real life- isn’t mean at all. It’s cowardly.

“Also, sidenote: demanding that someone who is part of an oppressed group be “intellectually honest” makes me think you’re a spoiled white boy.”

You’re correct. He may have been the nicest guy in the world, simply out of his mind. However, the officer who thought he had a gun pointed at him and believed he was about to be shot didn’t have the luxury of sitting back and contemplating the scope of this guy’s life history, unfortunately.

That’s very true. However, the reality is that in the majority of white neighborhoods there’s simply less crime, and thus fewer confrontations, leading to fewer shootings in general. Race is a factor in some cases, absolutely, but certainly not in every case.

I’m not reflexively “sticking up for the cops.” In the other case I mentioned (South Carolina), the cop was clearly in the wrong. In this one, unless there’s evidence to the contrary, the cop appears to be justified.

If you’re the one getting something pointed at you by someone in a shooting stance, any long object- dildo, black painted banana, cigar- looks like a gun.

There have been plenty of instances of white guys shot by cops this year. Google them.

Okay- in the sense that people don’t always understand their unconscious impulses and desires, you’re correct. By that standard, perhaps Trump doesn’t really want to be President.

No, cops lie all the time. However, clear witness videos and photos do tell us a lot.

I’m pretty sure that getting in a shooting stance and pointing what looks like a gun at an armed police officer is tantamount to suicide.

After seeing the photo, where the victim was in a clear shooting stance with what looked like a gun pointed at the officer, I’d have to say that if I’d been the officer, I would likely have shot him as well.