
Haven’t you heard? Irony is dead.

This story tends to make be believe fortune cookies can’t actually forecast the future.

Actually Trump saying “Soviet Union” is terrifying because that is who he thinks he’s collaborating with. If you say “Russia” you can pretend they are just another democracy.

I’m done with you now.

Please, please, please, name one other election process in the the US that that elects the person who gets less votes to office.
“everyone knows they(sic) aren’t how the President is elected”
Really? You think most people when they go into the a polling place are thinking “ I sure hope the electoral college agrees

Truman: The buck stops here.
Trump: Sexual assault starts here.

Trump: 62,984,828
Clinton: 65,853,514
Only in America can you get 2.86 MILLION more votes and become and be called a loser. I take it your talking about Bernie Sanders. Eff Bernie Sanders. I partially blame his unenthusiastic support after he pledged his delegates and walked off the convention floor in a huff as

I’ve been saying for more than a year that I would be willing to vote for a Ham Sandwich if the Democrats nominate it as their candidate.

Didn’t “Sleepy Joe recently challenge President Dotard Pussy Grabber to match him in a push-up contest?
I have serious question, how did Trump come up with the Sleepy moniker in the first place? Did Trump just reach up his own keister and grab that nugget?

House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings
So isn’t going after Cummings the equivalent of getting pulled over by the Highway Patrol and as the officers asks you to roll down your window, telling the officer he is the ugliest, dumbest person on the planet?

I’m positive Melania knows things that would end Trump overnight so she is:

I thought San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz was the obvious choice to replace what’s his face. I guess I was fooled by the images of huge crowds into thinking this was a coup and not the peaceful change of who’s in power.

I’m looking at the picture of the blonde at the top of this article and are you telling me that’s NOT Julia Roberts?!

I thought the whole driving Mcguffin for the entire season story arc was going to be whatever Archer had in a safe on the Seasmus that he stole from Barry 6 that was revealed in episode two. It was just dangled out there and forgotten.

My horror is the Republicans got plenty of conspiracy fodder for FOX News, ect... by asking Mueller all sorts of questions about the Steele Dossier they knew he wouldn’t answer, but they now have recordings of him making all sorts of denials about.

Today may have been the day when I’ve lost any faith that anything is going to happen before the 2020 election. In that case, I may just ignore politics for primary season next year.

I’ve come to the conclusion adulthood exist just to destroy all you idealistic ideals and all you favorite childhood memories.

Trump Jr. All the time daddy hit me, it was for my own good, just like mom. He was really nice to my sister though.

“clenching his butt”
He needs to tighten those rectal muscles prior to going to federal prison. I hope one day he’s in a prison shower and some big burly guy says to him, “hey daddy’s boy, you and your pop didn’t give soap to young immigrant children, so why don’t you come over here and pick up the soap for me and my