
Counter, counter-point, despite the fact that, every time I open my mouth on-line lately I seem to anger someone, and will thus apologize in advance, knowing with a high degree of certainty that I will have to later anyway:

I'm aware. I'm a big fan of both of yours. I was just kidding. Sorry if I have offended.

Get a room, you two! And take that pink thing with you. And the Vibrella.

Ah, now we know the secret ingredient!

Oh, I've said a number of times (to no one in particular; and to my wife, who smiles and nods indulgently at her poor addled husband), that if the economics worked out this would be my next computer. I have had an Acer Travelmate Convertible for about five years, and besides for the fact that it's a behemoth with a

Tried to get these past the TSA yet?

I've kind of taken a break from there for a bit. Upset some people with a stupid comment; decided I need to work on keeping my mouth shut before I go back.

Yep, messed up the math. Still pretty amazing.

Yep, messed up the math. Still pretty amazing.

I believe the expression is "kosher, but it smells" - the letter of the law may be in the judge's favor, but realistically speaking, a judge that used to work for company A could be looked at askance if company A comes before her - on even a separate matter.

(First, in all seriousness, my sympathies on your losses.)

That's truly mindboggling. 100 KHz in a mechanical movement? What are they going to make it out of? I mean, think about it, that's 277.78 hours for a billion beats - 11.6 days. I have a hard time imagining a material that can deal with that.

That's awesome, thank you! Best reply in a long time....

I keep hearing little, tiny Tarzan yells in my head.

Rufffwooorr rufff rufff ruuffffRRUUU ffff wrworoof ROOFFOOOFF roofruffff rufff wrof!

Yeah, looks like a good way to bruise several internal organs all at once!

Serious question - when you refer to "revenue" you are referring to that which does NOT come from the government? In that case I agree.

Which is funny, because we Jews are cool with being called Jews.

Perhaps it's just not very common.

If the button is not a link but a Javascript button, "save as" doesn't work.