
P.S. gawkers should be ticketed for unsafe driving.

You can't "save as link" if the link isn't a link - that is, it's a JS button that creates the PDF through a call. Chrome couldn't handle that, so I had to actually disable the internal PDF reader.

Dittos on CutePDF - use it often. Works great.

I ran into an issue with Chrome vis PDF's - I couldn't find a way to save the PDF to a file. Needed to for a tax form. Wound up disabling the internal reader and it reverted to FoxIt which I had installed previously.

After reading all the comments about how "it's a mortar," I must, as an academic, say that I am mortar bored.

Spelling error annoy me, but that's beside the point here.

You probably know more tech than you give yourself credit for.

"Most PG movies are not suitable for kids" - "The Wizard of Oz is rated G and its pure nightmare fuel half the time. "

Even given the obvious "written-by-an-engineer" bias ("safely realize improvements..." yadda, yadda, yadda) in the article, how does this not qualify? It is "art" and someone's "profession"; it is applying...knowledge to design and build...devices; and one could say that it "improves the lives of people" such as the

Lay off the beans, perhaps.

Well, I'm pretty sure they do (or used to do) test launches out at a NASA center near Sandusky, Ohio - not up, but horizontal. A "dyno" of a different sort, so, yeah.

On second reading of this, I was very relieved - I thought it said he was killed by plaque, and my dental hygiene has been pretty weak lately.

Trocar full. Bwahahahahahahahahah.

It's actually an old movie cliche, always said with a smile and a wink, as though kidding, but often leading to the "accidental" death (by bludgeoning or drano poisoning) of the hapless cuckold - "Hey, Sylvia, if you ever get tired of old Harry here, ..." [wink, wink, nudge, nudge].

That's it! Those were Gorilla Glass panes! As seen on Gizmodo, in the ads there, over, and over, and over, and over again.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Zubin Meta.

That's an excellent account, and I'm glad you've find a place that appreciates and accommodates that which makes you exceptional.

Ruben, I feel your pane.

"Kinect users can even help control the Shuttle's roll, pitch, yaw, and thrust!"