
I know, right? Total dude-trying-to-sound-like-an-alto voice.

So Saturn is obviously one of those lame vampires that sparkles in the sunlight!

Their additional pixel is referred to as a Pentile implant, I believe.

I just rooted my Charge yesterday, and am looking forward to some good ROM's after a respectful interval.

Well, I only know from amateur astronomy so I don't know if it's right to extrapolate - but all amateurs are taught early on that dust on the mirror should be tolerated to a certain extent. The amount of dust needed to degrade seeing is significant, and yes, cleaning can lead to damage.


Sounds like an old girlfriend of mine.

I think having your tool removed is a bit extreme, but I agree that there is a great burden on the end user - a burden that should be lightened by the IT department. And if IT isn't going to support them, then the devices shouldn't be there.

And thus, I think I will never win an iPad.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? That must surely be the case, because someone with your educational credentials in physics and engineering could not so completely misunderstand my point.

Well, that's just silly! I'm not ignorant of evolution! How foolish of you to assume so! But I have a bias against it based on my religious beliefs, making any statements I make about it highly suspect.

He was also a scientist, actually. You should look him up sometime, you might learn something.

Actually, speech and fire are stronger differentiators between us and the animals.

It's not stated as a belief, it's stated as a fact.

Look up the definition of circular logic and get back to me.

Nice try, but just because he made an ignorant, unprovable statement and passed it off as fact, doesn't mean that I did. So no, obviously, that's not what I mean.

I've never understood that statement ("Get over yourself"). What exactly does that mean?

No. So they might. You stick to your beliefs! That's awesome! A life spent without invisible magical unicorns is so much duller than a life with them!

Again, opinion stated as fact.