
@Bluecold: Hey, can you give me a train ride? I've always liked trains....

This was really very fun to watch.

@RedBoxMangler: ...but we're really grateful that you have.

@mindf1ow: Thank you, one and all. Happy Holidays!

@OCEntertainment: Yeah, well, be grateful for whatever [genetic happenstance | touch of the Creator's benevolent hand] graced you with a slim, trim, capable proboscis. Those of us with large, fleshy, manly tuberosities affixed in the middle of our faces are grateful for the extra slack this app provides.

Kind of surprised that no one said "That's not space. Space is defined as beginning at 100 KM."

One very large grain of salt, comin' up:

I couldn't see the picture at first, but then I realize I had cookies blocked on my browser.

@IceMetalPunk: Because I agree with you, I should respect your wish that the conversation die.

@Shamoononon: ...all at the same time. And picturing Al Capone as an underwear model is going to put me off my feed.

@Arken: ...except, perhaps, in a blind taste test.

@Tenno: Whoops, this is what happens when I comment on a cross-post from Kotaku.

@ernie.: Really? Okay. Not my schtick. I do not agree with spending that much money for a game app, but I will defend to the ... well, not the death necessarily, but to the ... the serious discomfort, yeah, that's it ... I will defend to the serious discomfort your right to do so.

@Panucci's Pizza: Remember that they must impanel a jury of his peers - so they have to find 12 clumsy thieves who spend much time otherwise in their mothers' basements and around large tables with other total geeks.

$3? More like Pocket Oh my G-d!

Hyland Software in Cleveland has two slightly less awesome slides at their headquarters - and they are only less awesome because there's not as much room. But using the slide instead of the stairs is pretty cool none the less.