
Wait, what? It was boring? I would have willingly watched an extra 20 minutes of just the giant scythe swinging from side to side, knocking climbers off the wall. They give you a flaming mammoth and you're bored?

Pictured below, Jon Snow's existence in one gif:

Word. It was a mini-movie! And Grenn reciting the Oath while the giant rolled down the tunnel... chills. And tears. RIP Pyp and Grenn.

Seriously, I can't believe that sentence either! The panoramic long-shot was beautifully choreographed and executed. That was art.

We cheered when Sam kissed Gilly. I can't remember ever cheering for an on-screen kiss ever before. Samwell Tarly deserves all the happiness, which probably means he will be boiled alive before being subjected to dismemberment or something equally horrific.

shot by some little Zelda/Link motherfucker

shaving cream is also a racket. many of you don't need it, in particular if your body hair is generally soft. i shave with a men's razor and warm water and i moisturize when i hop out of the shower. i can count the times i've cut myself in the last 20 years on 1 hand.

also: women's deodorant. PLEASE. dadjeans and i

Respectfully, I think you're sort of half-right. I think in general, as the author of the post mentioned, people mis-gender trans* individuals because they know them personally and are often adjusting to seeing their friend or relative as the trans* individual has always seen themselves. There are unintentional

I literally spent the entire time reading this rage-twitching. Even before I knew anything about trans issues, I still knew better than this horseshit. None of these are defensible mistakes. NONE OF THEM.

I will never understand why the pronoun is so hard for people to grasp.

Right. A huntsman can eat one of those.

The one thing that pisses me off about modesty culture is that no one ever demands men to be role models for young boys. Charlie Sheen has done much worse things than Rihanna, and there are plenty of young boys who think he's cool, and yet there isn't one article about how he's a bad role model. If you're going to be

But Mike Peters, a Brooklyn father of a young daughter, spoke for dads and moms everywhere when he told me, "I think she looked slutty.''

Hey Dana Brunetti ... I'mma let you finish, but it is illegal, unethical and a very bad business practice to hire or not hire employees based on their body size.

Right, because only overweight people arm bash. Skinny people, however, are like ghosts that you can walk through.

Dear Dana,

Spindle wheels were designed long before flyer & bobbin wheels; the yarn was spun off the tip (if you've ever seen an Indian charkha, it's like that) and wound onto the shaft of the spike. Though the neat thing is that the Sleeping Beauty tale actually comes from a time before wheels, when hand spindles were used.

What I want to know is why were they even making spindles with sharp ends in the first place? Were the women practicing some sort of secret fiber-related martial art and/or planning an uprising? (That would be a movie I'd watch: peasant women wielding spindles, niddy-noddies and knitting needles. Possibly fighting