
The thing about choosing metal chopsticks is to pick pairs with handles that have been squared away. This will prevent them from slipping during use, and rolling away when set down. Also make sure they have notches on the business end, this will add friction, and make food much easier to pick up like these:

*Looks at dollar/yen store chop sticks* I'm all set, thanks.

This doesn't sound any different than wearing an honor cord — an outstanding citizenship in the Seminole Nation "cord" — a meaningful symbol representative of what he has accomplished (academically, athletically, socially, culturally, etc) throughout his high school years.

You missed this gem of the story:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she is rocking a pants suit. She looks adorable and confident. When I was a kid I hated dresses and skirts and my mom would buy me cute little pants outfits (not Armani level). Then all of a sudden, it was a pain in the ass to dress nicely, and wear pants that didn't just involve khaki until I

And that Prince Charming isn't so charming. I made a big point of pointing that out to my 10 year old daughter. Because I know she will encounter many cute boys who are not princes, no matter how cute and nice they seem.

Honestly, we watched it thinking we'd MST3K it along. But the movie is fairly surprising, especially for a Disney film. It makes interesting choices and has some great set-pieces. And the best part is that the princess is not saved by a Prince Charming.

Once you have responsibilities.

Lady Stoneheart commandeers 10 American drones and firebombs the entire continent. Then Yvone Strahovski and Jack Bauer run in, kill Lady Stoneheart, and Yvonne runs away to Argentina with Tommen. Tyrion moves north of the wall and becomes a Lumberjack.

Levi's CEO saying this probably signifies the final stage of the long, slow transition of jeans from work clothing to expensive class-signifiers. "Real denim aficionados" must not ever do anything physically taxing, or outdoors, or near animals.

The government is ok with hiring companies like Blackwater to fight their wars for them but we can't hire these talented people because they smoke marijuana.

I'm Muslim and don't wear a veil. A lot of my Muslim girlfriends do. And their hair is as varied as anyone else. I don't think it affects their hair at all other than how wearing a hat all day would make your hair "flat." That's pretty much it. One hijabi friend has hair so ridiculously soft and silky it's not fair.

My husband always pronounced "biopic" like "myopic" and I never realized why until he finally admitted he didn't know what the fuck a biopic was. Once I defined it he never mispronounced it again. We got so excited we ordered a pizza.

The skirts are cool and all, but dude on the right rocking the 1979 three-stripe tube socks is winning the whole damn day.

I mean, come on! <3

Instead of going to prom, I went to see the Ramones.

I got sick a couple weeks before my prom, but resolved to POWER THROUGH IT and didn't see a doctor until four days before the prom... when the doctor diagnosed me with a mononucleosis/strep-throat double-whammy.