
that is exactly how it should be. while we should be doing our best to make the customer happy, they are often WRONG and they are sometimes belligerent, cheap assholes. i'm glad the owner sticks up for you.

these stories make me want to own a pub or something, just so i can incredibly politely with a huge smile on my face tell people where to stick it (not in so many words) when they are rude to my staff or stiff on the tip. i'm very good at getting across a point while being perfectly verbally pleasant.

AAGH he makes Dad Face exactly like my dad does.


haha! i appreciate that you tried :D

Waffle Apartment
Exactly like a regular Waffle House, but the kitchen is also the dining room and everything is covered in cat hair.

and they discontinued Big Tease :( i loved the smell, and it didn't weigh down my hair. i have half a jar languishing in my bathroom.

exactly! i really wonder where the assumptive/entitled attitude comes from. some people's children?

what a sweetheart. hope you guys have fun :)

yeah, would never do that at a restaurant. seriously, if they don't have precisely what you want, just drink water. people who do the hot water thing at my store (deli/cafe area) are also borderline. you feel entitled to sit in my establishment, use my hot water to make your own tea, and then have someone clean up

oh good lord the flyer people. sometimes there are shipping issues. sometimes another person comes in early and buys a metric fuckton of the product. the people who wig the fuck out over it and DEMAND things just make me think of Veruca Salt.


oh man. i buy my own veggie/tomato juice for my hole in the wall local bar where all my friends work....but it's because the clamato has red food dye (allergy) so they told me to. i tip extra for being a pain in the ass.


i'm actually really pleased that she went back and apologized. taking responsibility for your own asinine behaviour is good manners and the next best thing to never behaving in an asinine fashion.

YAY. i had someone who wanted to do this practice on me when my head was partly shaved (mohawk, by choice, initially for kicks and then in support). i know i personally felt amazing with henna art on my scalp (seriously, take over the world awesome) so i really hope it helps other people feel amazing.

fuck. that. noise. that is heinously wrong in the worst of ways.

precisely. and i'm flabbergasted that people are willing to pay $6 for a can of PBR. at that point i might as well spend $2 more and drink Guinness, FFS.

i would drink 75 cent PBR if i was broke. around here they charge $5 when it's a drink special. /vom

SERIOUSLY. i've been type 1 for 20 years now, and i don't bring it up often at work because EVERYONE needs to give me advice on how i should eat. "oh, my friend's uncle was cured of his diabetes by [fasting/yoga/taking this supplement/the master cleanse]!"
type. 1. meaning autoimmune. meaning i don't MAKE insulin.