
Terry Collins looks like he’s a few “collins” deep by first pitch every day.

Maybe you should have gone to school, too. You see, I’m in my 50s. You’re talking about things that happened in the 50s. To be able to fight in those times would make me born in the 30s and now I would be damned near 90. But I suppose you were there. You are like an angry drunk trying to start a fight with every

I disagree. I’m in my 50s and these groups have always been around. They came to campus when I was in college. They came to the cities I lived in. We were told to stay away and ignore them. I guess you’ve never heard of these because it worked. They never got any attention. So now you decide to confront them and

It’s fun to shit on Hinkie because of his hipster techbabble empowerment stuff—a nerd trying desperately to look like a human being. At the end of the day, he’s probably better than the 75 percent of GMs who preseason-voted the Nets as division champs after the Garnett-Pierce deals. Probably better than 75 percent of

Israel taking Trump with open arms next week is a strange way to greet someone who allegedly fucked you over. Or, I guess Israel doesn’t feel so fucked over.  

Caps fan here, can confirm. I feel bad that this keeps happening to the best player in the world (and now twice at the hands of Capital), but shit fuck I fucking need this series win man and if keeping Crosby off the ice means a W then may he rest in peace

I just want to say that, as an owner, I’m extremely interested and am going to do everything in my power to get Sherman in a Packers uniform next season.

A big part of this website’s appeal to me is the folks that comment. I know that for every lame dad joke made (guilty) there will be a quality post that helps me better understand what I just read. Thanks for the info.

So The Root is fake news?? Come on Kristen...cut back on your racism. This never happened:

Wow. What insane horseshit.

You’re insane. Seeing as how god and jesus are fairy tales there is no such thing as a “true christian”. What you just said is literally no different than me arguing that someone isn’t a true Thorian or true Zeusian.

First thing first. Wow, do you love the smell of your own farts. Why use thirty words when hundreds will do?

Of course, Jesus also says literally nobody is worthy of the Father at all, and we can be saved only through grace. Everybody fails the worthy test. (Mark 10:18)