
A perfectly logical and reasoned response to the issue. It’s cool they let you out of the straitjacket long enough so you can use a computer. Good job buddy you should be able to join civilized society in no time!

“The police, of course, readily complied.” Shockingly typical. Your tired ass arm chair quarterbacking is wrong, once again. Those cops literally pleaded with that twat manager / cashier to just let it (the situation) go and everyone continue their day. Starbucks forced the issue and once an official call is acted on

I see one huge Adams apple.

You know what “peak white” is dumbass? Paying taxes, working and actually raising our kids. But enjoy your absolute ‘token’ soap box built with the self-hate of suburban white guilt. I’m sure real avenues were knocking down your door to hire you before the back pages of Gawker came along lol. But it would be racist


Shocking, all this violence you speak of, coming from where you’re from. I guess he would feed your family for a few weeks huh?

First reaction is to wish violence? Another stereotype disproven*

Haha LOL I will wait for the Black family moves into white neighborhood and destroys it article.

Oh I guess this is just like hockey. Blacks need to relate to something or they can’t enjoy it seems to be the root of this dilemma. Kind of like some mental defect that prevents ‘da brothas’ from understanding something they aren’t a part of. Thank god absolutely none of the other races have this mental defect or we

Funny you hold off til the end mentioning that even she says she dresses like a man. Non-story. The cops were justified.

Aw, poor Yesha is blue eyed whitey upsetting you again? I’m used to these white guilt type stories from your progressive coworkers but I guess you got the short straw. Did you check how many times Mayweather spouted the same shit or were you afraid if you got close to him he would knock your ass out? But ‘dance boy

ugh pretentious much?

Wow. So, as one of the many official mouth pieces of the left, I guess this asinine ‘hot take’ is going to be the position of the left? It’s Trump’s fault the Cold War gets renewed (your words) but the left crying about Russia the last year or so had NOTHING to do with it huh? Everything coming from the butthurt

What you did there, I see.

I admit I only got through half of the comments when I first responded. I absolutely take it all back. This is one of the better troll jobs I can remember. Bravo.

I know these are old comments and I am late to this party but I need to join the chorus. You are an asshole and you are doing irreperable harm to your kids by how you are evidently shielding them from everything. As a result, your kids are going to get hurt and since you are providing zero coping skills since you

I guess your little gimmick is the ‘hot take’ but even with that in mind this dreck was so massive a word puke that I am left idea-less on how to make fun of it. So, our President approves a mission presented to him (by Obama’s generals) where an American dies then he gets applause so therefore he will try for more

And you stone to death rape victims today. How ANY human being, with today’s knowledge of science can still believe some ghost exists - in ANY capacity - that somehow dictates how we interact with others is just plain stupid. The idea of god was helpful when we didn’t understand night and day, warm and cold, etc. Now

Bless you

“... after Darren Wilson executed Michael Brown, Jr. on Canfield Drive in 2014.”