And who is this app selling your data to?
And who is this app selling your data to?
“But this wine is in a box”
“I was told it was a cardboardeaux”
And as someone who drinks occasionally, tracking my drinking is helpful and interesting to see - especially if I know that I’m going to be driving at some point, having an accurate estimation of my bac is important. And, being able to track data of my overall consumption gives me a better gauge to what degree I am…
If you need an app for your drinking, I think you have bigger problems than you know. I’m 14 years sober..this app is something I would have tried when I was in denial and not ready to get better yet.
Let’s be frank, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes, and only lost the electoral college by 78,000 votes across 3 states. So any scenario is probable. She could have won, if Comey did not release that letter 11 days before election; she could have won had she not used a private server for her…
Gird you’re loins, Jezzies, here come the Bernie Bros* with a google alert for “Bernie Sanders” in 3, 2, 1..........
They don’t, they’re just repeating what people in their echo chambers say
Because this will always be relevant:
Sadly, they delivered on my expectations as well.
I was waiting for this.
Going forward my first thought is, who is best equipped to put Trump in his place and really embarrass him in a live debate? I keep coming back to Warren. But my second thought is, will Trump even do any debates? As long as he is taller than his opponent, or his opponent is a woman, he’ll have an advantage on a TV…
Oh I know they’re not all bots, just that they use them the most
Well they all just repeat talking points, pretend that they’re the most diverse and have the most bots out of any supporters (dem wise) on Twitter
TomatoFace is on the loose. He already dismissed me once for calling him out. The “Liberal George” is another one of his obvious accounts. It’s a Bernie article and there’s a bunch of brand new burners commenting in the grey. Don’t engage.
Jezebel was all in for Bernie last election. Their coverage of Hillary was harsh and often mean-spirited. This article comes down firmly pro-Bernie. And you still criticize a little bit of criticism. This is why people don’t like Bernie supporters.
All of this. I appreciate this cancellation. I’m also pulling up my chair and popping corn post haste.
That’s because his supporters are dishonest assholes.
Actually, I think the main reason why it has traction is because the people whom Bernie attracts are the same people that the institutional Democratic Party has been telling to eat shit for thirty years.
And 4 years later, it’s the same unlikeable candidate and his toxic and abusive supporters.