

I read that Footsteps is his favorite verse, right after Two Corinthians.

It’s fascinating and sad to see what someone suffering from bipolar disorder can get into when money is near endless and no one is there to tell him no.

Kim, either come get your man, or get a divorce lawyer right now. You have daughters with this a-hole.

And then an Oscar bait movie will be made about that family member starring Jared Leto (playing the loser, overlooked brother who never cared about anyone else...until now) and Angelina Jolie (playing the doctor with her hair in a bun, wire rimmed glasses, and cleavage bearing wrap dresses).

This. So much this. Where do we draw the line? If the killing of an old person is ok with you what about a severely disabled child? Can we not start sliding down these slopes? 

It IS domestic violence. He murdered his wife. There is no lumping-in required.

You forgot to mention name of the editor. 

I imagine every friend with Barack or Michelle’s phone number texted them the instant they saw the episode. I don’t think the Obamas came upon it unawares, and I imagine they maybe watched it first just to see how it was done. (Reputation control and all . . .)

I’m not sure. Maybe if she was someone who was really insecure in her relationship, an argument could be had, but Michelle seems like the exact opposite of that kind of person.

I’m not even sure what the argument would be about. What exactly could MO even be pissed about in that scenario?

Exactly. Thank you!!

Agreed, there’s no way Michelle Obama is that sitcom petty and insecure.

Prediction: Michelle Obama will one day meet Phoebe Waller Bridge and say “I get it, but it was awkward to watch with my kids”, PWB turns to the camera and replies “Of course, but you got it, like the real one, so the rest of us have to make do.”

Sure the minute your and all the bros show me one bill he’s gotten passed in the last 30 years in the senate that has made the lives of Americans better. I mean you & he both claim you are not the establishment but if 30 years isn’t the establishment please tell me what is. He is a fucking fraud and that sad part is

No fat shaming.

20 with a phd”

Ummm no. That’s 100% wrong TMac.

He does WAY fewer engagements than his 90-something year old grandmother, and far fewer than his father (who, I think, does the most out of the royals). Charles does an enormous amount of work, between engagements and his conservation and environmental efforts. William is next in line after Charles and does...not that

You could be, although I’m assuming you didn’t bust out the measuring tape . . .