
Yeah, differences may be lost to “regionalism.” Hoagie, sub, grinder, etc. Just for reference, I grew up in NE Pennsylvania and worked in pizzeria owned by 2nd generation Brooklyn Italians. Their Dad, who came to the states in the 1940s, came in early to prep all doughs and sauces. This “Sicilian” pie was baked as

The discussion around these photos bothers me a lot. If this were a woman who shared intimate photos that got leaked, we'd be pretty upset. No one deserves to have their intimate and personal messages leaked and mocked. God, I can't imagine how I'd feel if my conversations with my boyfriend were leaked door public

I can.

“And I really can’t see the Garofalo of the early 90s - the alt comic feminist - allowing a comic of that generation to skate so easily if they’d done something like that to her.”

This.  Whenever we’re out with the 3 monsters I have the card ready to go.  Also while travelling for work.  But if it’s just my wife and I, sometimes it’s ready to go, sometimes its not.

Jesus. Spectacular.

The suggestion wasn’t that carrying cash would make it easier for the waitress, but to make it easier for the customer to leave faster. When you just leave cash, there’s no running the card and then waiting for the receipt to sign and tip. So, I’m not sure what your reply was even talking about. No one is suggesting

She’s not assuming the worst, she’s seeing an event happen and describing it.

I don’t know...from what I’ve read everything was proceeding as well as could be expected; there wasn’t a prenup so the assets are getting split down the middle. What’s going to complicate matters is who owns what in the actual company itself (one divorce can break up an empire! It’s like we’re in Ye Olden Days!) and

I really like AOC’s policies, but the response of her colleagues seems pretty human; haven’t most of us been annoyed at a new coworker who shows up with grand ideas (that are potentially great and wonderful!) and starts pushing for them without even getting a sense of how those ideas might have failed in the past, or

I don’t think they “have to.” From what I’ve been reading, they are considering using the hospital that Sophie Wessex (Prince Edward’s wife) went to for the birth of her children.

How much money was Sanchez paid to leak the photos?

Also...I’m embarrassed to say it but I think her name is Christina El Moussa, not Christine.

Especially when dining with two kids I have my card ready at the end of the meal. When the server comes I do the -“Let me take a quick peek and give it right back.” I take a 10-second scan to make sure nothing seems odd and hand it right back with my card. Never seems to be an issue.

The Bezos Texts/pictures were leaked to the National Enquirer because they love Trump and Trump hates Bezos. I think that angle needs to be the focus rather than what Bezos looks like. The fact that a sitting president is using his influence to facilitate a stupid vendetta is very unsettling to say the least.

They didn't say they don't read the final credit card bill.

I do this at the Italian place I take my son to every Wednesday night. (If you met my son you’d understand that I mean Every. Single. Wednesday. Night. And yes, he always orders exactly the same pizza every time. Some of you know what I’m talking about). We sit at the bar, we eat half the pizza, we take the rest home,

Damn! I look like I could be his dad and I’m 8 years younger.

He’s clearly a Creature of the Night.

Looking that good at that age is obviously witchcraft. Some people are freaked out by the thought of Pharrell and Jennifer Lopez being practitioners of the dark arts. I say if following the Dark Lord helps - more power to you and your demonic minions!