
Guidelines say that it takes 24 hours per 5 lbs of turkey in a fridge. It wouldn’t be fully thawed by now, but it’s weird that it’s still “hard as a rock.” Like others have said, her fridge must be too cold. 

Go ahead and enjoy your socially distanced workspace. The people you’re shitting on can’t do the same.

I don’t use PPE because I’m in an online classroom and in strict quarantine per doctor’s orders. Every teacher I know has NOT been supplied with PPE, even if they’re teaching in classrooms. If you want to die on this hill, go ahead. My students are high schoolers and MORE than capable of staying home alone without

I do have empathy. I think it’s an impossible situation made impossible by our government’s refusal to pay people to stay home. At no point should someone risk their life so that someone else can keep their job.

Emily Oster has got a lot of press for saying that school openings have not contributed to the spread of covid. It’s worth noting that she’s an economist, not a scientist. Meanwhile, many people who study infectious diseases say that there’s not evidence that school openings have contributed to the spread of covid but

I do think that they will be high on the priority list! My anger is reserved for the people who are flipping out right now because some schools are shutting down again, especially in NYC. The vitriol leveled against teachers and teachers’ unions is astonishing. And when it comes from parents who are able to work from

If a vaccine is coming then why in GOD’S NAME are so many people flipping out over school closures again? Have a little grace for the teachers who don’t want to get sick and die two months before vaccination so that schools can stay open. (I teach remotely so this is not personal, but watching my colleagues teach for

My favorite part of this week was the way Dave placed his horn of plenty on the judging table. I was LOSING it!

I wouldn’t cheat on my partner with this sinkhole but I get the appeal

Genuinely curious why you don’t just forgo gifts if you all agree that they are unnecessary?

In my family, the rule is that you have to buy presents for your nieces/nephews until you have children of your own. This rule horrifies me, but at least they don’t expect expensive gifts (and I only have two). When we were growing up, though, my poor aunt and uncle had to find gifts for 12 children until they had

chicken nugget shaped like a dinosaur

I can’t imagine being bothered by someone wanting you to buy a gift. I can imagine being bothered by the pressure to reciprocate. So, you either have to woman up and tell your family you don’t want to exchange Christmas gifts anymore (we did this at one point with the cousins), OR you need to go along with it without

I had a steak in Florence that I will never, ever get over. I went back but timed my trip badly and when I went for it on my last night there, I learned that on Thursdays they were closed. Sob.

Okay, well I observe kids in school and have colleagues who work in a variety of schools in different states. I’m sorry but it’s dangerous to say that they’re doing a good job in schools. They’re not saints. 8 hours in a mask isn’t something they want to do and their brains don’t fully comprehend of the risks of

Okay well we’ll just have to rely on our competing anecdotes then. The kids in my school are doing an okay job in the classroom with masks, making 0 effort to social distance, and taking masks off when teachers aren’t in sight per intel from my advisees. They’re kids. The kids aren’t going to save us.

I don’t see why. The virus doesn’t discriminate between responsible and irresponsible adults. As long as schools remain open in any format, anyone who is around school aged children is at risk.

I get what you’re saying but I hate comments like these. A lot of schools are still doing in-person learning. Asymptomatic kids are going to spread the virus to their classmates, who are going to take it home to parents who did the right thing and isolated during the holidays. 

You’re lucky! My parents won’t stop seeing their grandkids, who are doing in-person learning AND living with a parent who thinks covid is a joke and refuses to wear a mask. We haven’t seen them since last Christmas.

Oh, that makes sense! I lived in Somerset for a short while and the mineral build up on the tap/kettle/etc. was insane.