
Yeah I’d never in a million years wear leggings as pants at work but I’m living in them at home. If I stand up to get something and they see I have leggings on, it’s not the end of the world, and often fuzzy enough that there’s some ambiguity there whether they’re skinny pants or leggings.

Limited sympathy here, actually. If you can’t see yourself on Zoom, you’ve probably minimized your Zoom window and navigated to some other website. This man has an enviable job and couldn’t remain focused and professional for the duration of a Zoom meeting? Maybe it’s just because I’m a fucking teacher and have to be

There’s no problem being Republican or Independent based on ideals (obviously not talking about voter suppression and other crap), but being pro-Trump is a total no-go.

Tudor Week was a travesty. 

I don’t enjoy any form of cringe humor--it’s just not my genre. 

This happens to my dad--not regularly anymore, but when he’s feeling strong emotions the electrics go haywire. 

It’s not quite the right analogy though because Cohen is Jewish. I’m not saying that Jewish people can’t perpetuate anti-semitism, just that this isn’t like blackface. (I defend the guy, but I really hate Borat.) Where the problem comes in for me is that Cohen’s audience isn’t always on board with his “exposing

I was both shocked and not shocked that Linda wasn’t in consideration for star baker. This show does not feature older women bakers with the same enthusiasm it features older men bakers and the young people. They are consistently downplayed until they are weeded out in the middle of the season with the excuse “she has

It’s dumb but I know SO MANY people who think that six feet apart is “safe” no matter where you are and that any amount of space is “safe” if you’re outdoors. In an attempt to quell panic, public health messaging has not been stern enough and has vastly overestimated the general intelligence level of the public.

I’m in the same boat with my Disney’s Pocahontas halloween costume. My mom should have known better by the time that movie was released but she did NOT.

One thing I’ve noticed repeatedly is that a partner suddenly doesn’t want you to do nice things for them. They’ve accepted favors and help in the past but insist you not bother now. They’re thinking about breaking up with you, so that effort you’re putting in just makes them feel bad. (This only works when you’re

RIP. I worked at a coffee stand on campus back in the day and the ΑΦ sorority sisters used to come and ask us “Can I have a water and a tab?” in the same exact loose-jawed drawl. The repetition got so bad that we had to fight to keep a straight face when they did it. What will they do now?

In this one instance, yes, but I’m almost more spooked by the way our brains terrify us! My brother had horrendous night terrors growing up and still does sometimes. 

Wow, I hadn’t heard of that before! Unfortunately, the same knocks woke up my partner at the same time--he got up to answer the door. :( 

It’s so embarrassing-yet-thrilling to watch my fellow Americans sneer and/or laugh at bidets on House Hunters International. Just announce to the world we all have poopy asses over here, thanks! The agents always look so uncomfortable. [popcorn gif]

Yes, I definitely think stress is enough. No need to feel outright anger, just strong emotions.

I absolutely agree that smudging is cultural appropriation and/but smudging with sage and a feather has worked for me in the past. (When I say worked, I mean that it banished the creepy feeling in the house, so that might have been 100% psychological.) I was told by a Cherokee fire tender that intentions matter the

This is awesome! I love the snow day ghost. I’ve read a few stories now about three knocks. That number seems to be a constant. The only time I’ve experienced something paranormal was when I was awoken five minutes before my alarm was set to go off in the early morning to catch a flight. I was a guest in someone

It really is a gamble! If I knew my job would be at risk, I might have made a different decision (only because we JUST bought a house that we cannot afford on one income), but there was no option that offered peace of mind. Good luck to you as well!

The tech people have it made! But seriously, I don’t want to diminish how hard it can be, mentally, to work from home if you’re not used to it (and even if you are). I am not enjoying it...but I don’t want to die!? So easy choice.