
Our area is the same. That’s why I hate that my husband has to go to the office. Because I know his officemates aren’t taking this seriously.

How many people can realistically not “break quarantine” these days? I was lucky in that I my doctor wrote me a note that said that I shouldn’t go into the school to teach during the pandemic, but my administration is still pissed off about it and I’m pretty sure they won’t renew my contract next year (though they’ll

Oh phew! I’m glad to hear that everything has calmed down!

Oh that’s creepy! I’ve never heard of anything like that either. I think it’s kind of cool when these things happen to people who don’t have other stories in their arsenal, and especially cool when they happen to a group.

It’s psychokinesis--a person doesn’t realize that they’re affecting their surroundings because they’re usually not aware of their abilities. They often think it’s a ghost but it’s just their energy that’s broken away from them and is causing havoc.

Maybe not a haunting so much as a PK manifestation since you’ve been cooped up in the house. These are often caused by people who don’t know that they’re sensitives. 

Based on this information I’m going to go with not drugs. 


Could be drugs? The one and only time I tried shrooms in college I screamed at a kid passing me on his bicycle so horrifiedly that he fell off his bike because I thought he was an anaconda (like from the J Lo movie).

I had a life-size cardboard cutout of Gollum (né Sméagol) from FYE and, as it wasn’t convenient to have such a thing, I would store it places like the back of my closet or behind my door, forget about it, and then scream when I glimpsed it unexpectedly.

Did you post? Just post! I still like reading the “less sensational” ones because they truly are creepy.

My GOD I am so bad at reading comment tone these days--sorry!!! If Pence is a robot, then I hope there IS a robot hell and he’s going to it. 

Yes, absolutely! (Unfortunately the equivalent of the police seems to be aurors...which is what Harry grew up to be...)

except no one is taking this comment seriously, friendo. we’ll be ok. we will drink some water and stretch and scroll past the jokes that do not work for us. 

THANK you. I love Rickman but he wasn’t right as Snape. He also wasn’t the age that Harry’s parents would have been if they survived and that always bothered me.

I mean, I don’t think he’s charismatic enough to be THE devil. I do think he has all the charm of Beelzebub, though.

the El Moussas are more upfront about this being a moneymaking enterprise for them personally

Further information:

Oh, absolutely. The sparring was not entertaining. It was uncomfortable. 

Yes, I like your read on this. It makes sense. What a fucking shame.